material-components / material-web

Material Design Web Components
Apache License 2.0
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Loading Material Symbols is Slow #4425

Open Aamir333 opened 11 months ago

Aworldc commented 11 months ago

If you mean what I think you mean by that, yeah it's quite slow to load.

e111077 commented 11 months ago

Hello @Aamir333, can you please expand more on the issue you are experiencing in relation to Material web?

VandeurenGlenn commented 11 months ago

@e111077 Main issue I been seeing is the material symbols font, for the rest no issues, maybe that's it.

e111077 commented 11 months ago

Heya we are seeing this issue as well, in particular with bundle size of material symbols. There is a method to use the URL API to request the specific symbols you are seeking, but the method is quite cryptic.

Perhaps we should develop a tool to generate those URLs or pitch the fonts team for a more sustainable solution.

e111077 commented 11 months ago

I have filed an issue internally to see if the fonts team can add tooling to to help produce URLs that serve only the requested fonts. You can do this now using the ?text=\u${codepoint} to load a specific icon. The codepoint can be found at the bottom of the selected icon:


Here is an example:

VandeurenGlenn commented 11 months ago

@e111077 Nice, that would be awesome!

e111077 commented 11 months ago

In the meantime I have created a rudimentary tool to help generate these URLs

VandeurenGlenn commented 10 months ago

I have filed an issue internally to see if the fonts team can add tooling to to help produce URLs that serve only the requested fonts. You can do this now using the ?text=\u${codepoint} to load a specific icon. The codepoint can be found at the bottom of the selected icon:


Here is an example:

That doesn't do anything tbh load times is still the same as the full set

I made a rollup plugin for it yesterday using it gets ridth of the font and inlines SVG instead

This improves load time by 0,5 to 1 sec

e111077 commented 10 months ago

That doesn't do anything tbh load times is still the same as the full set

The link you sent me shows a file of 1.6 kb. Without it it's 3.4 MB

VandeurenGlenn commented 10 months ago

That doesn't do anything tbh load times is still the same as the full set

The link you sent me shows a file of 1.6 kb. Without it it's 3.4 MB

Not sure if I'm following here

e111077 commented 10 months ago

I misclicked, particularly talking about this link:

the CSS file is the same size, but the font file downloaded is 1.6 kb instead of 3.4MB

Taking a look at your tool, it seems super nifty and useful. 2 suggestions:

  1. it could be split up into a bit more focused modules:
    1. one that simply finds the appropriate SVG strings given an icon name + material symbols family
    2. another that injects it into your app
  2. This is what the Google Fonts team should be doing and supporting officially but fantastic job at getting something out
VandeurenGlenn commented 10 months ago

Aaah ok I can follow now 😬

Yeah could be good to split up but it's already quite small I think. Or you suggest to make "helper" modules and use those in the plugin?

There is also a rollup-plugin-md-icon-inline now (just a config including md-icon by default).

Thanks for the feedback!

jfbrennan commented 8 months ago

the link shared above uses the Google Fonts API to pluck specific icons and yes it does return a smaller font file, but it doesn't have the ligatures. hard pass:

You now have to do this
<span class="google-symbols">&#xE8B6;</span>

Not this
<span class="google-symbols">search</span>

There has been a constant demand for the Google Fonts team to provide tooling to create a subset of Material Symbols. Go upvote :)

vdegenne commented 3 months ago

Made this little rollup plugin (Vite version is also available):

It will scan source code and convert names to codepoints and generate a reduced font file for production. Feel free to report any issues on the repository.