material-components / material-web

Material Design Web Components
Apache License 2.0
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switch: checkmark icon has inaccessible color in some generated dark themes #5197

Open vdegenne opened 7 months ago

vdegenne commented 7 months ago

What is affected?



In dark mode and when theme color is too bright, the "selected" icon (when using icons on md-switch) will turn black making it hard to see while on dark color mode.



No workaround found.

Is this a regression?

No or unsure. This never worked, or I haven't tried before.

Affected versions

@material/web v1.0.1

Browser/OS/Node environment

Every brower/os.

asyncLiz commented 7 months ago

Interesting! I don't think this is a bug with our components, but one with tokens or color generation itself.

The a11y gap may be that the on-primary/on-primary-container combo is not guaranteed to be accessible. If that's the case, then our designers need to pick a different token for the icon color that will be accessible against a on-primary background.

Otherwise, it could be that the combo should be accessible, in which case its a bug in our color generation algorithms.

I'll raise this up internally and report back!