material-components / material-web

Material Design Web Components
Apache License 2.0
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docs: convert all images to webp #5569

Closed VandeurenGlenn closed 1 week ago

VandeurenGlenn commented 1 month ago

Squooshed all PNG images to webp (with the default settings except the effort put to 6)

The material gif has about 10% compression The other gif about 10% compression and colors set to 10

VandeurenGlenn commented 3 weeks ago

LGTM, sorry for the delay

No worries, when ya busy ya busy ;)

VandeurenGlenn commented 1 week ago

It looks like docs/components/images/progress/hero.webp isn't playing anymore, could you take a look?

Oeps, maybe I missed that one and is a gif, I'll see what went wrong.

VandeurenGlenn commented 1 week ago

So it seems animated webp exists, I didn't know, converted that one back to original one, if that one needs to be smaller also it would be best to have the input files because the animations have different frame times.