material-foundation / material-color-utilities

Color libraries for Material You
Apache License 2.0
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Figma and material builder generated colors differ #141

Open mobilekosmos opened 4 months ago

mobilekosmos commented 4 months ago

If I generate the color palette with figma it differs from what you get from the webpage. To start with also the neutral color in the figma plugin is another one as in the material theme builder webpage. Figma also has a neutral variant which the other webpage has not. Also in Figma you see a shadow element with a value, the function export to jetpack compose does not include any such token in the file. Also the web builder generates a token md_theme_light_surfaceTint which in figma you don't get.

Harm-Nullix commented 1 month ago

So true, this is really frustrating. This package should be in line!