material-foundation / material-theme-builder

Visualize dynamic color and create a custom Material Theme.
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Exporting text style changes not working #161

Closed hjbrandt closed 6 months ago

hjbrandt commented 1 year ago


Description: When making changes to text styles in a Material Design Kit file I would expect that I'd be able to export those changes using Material Theme Builder, but those changes are not applied at export. Checking or unchecking "Generate Text Style" in the Theme Builder preferences has no effect in my testing.

Steps to reproduce:

Expected and Actual Result Expected: styles.display.large.fontFamilyName = "Inter" Actual: styles.display.large.fontFamilyName = "Roboto"

benjamincox commented 1 year ago

Exporting the actual typography would be great! But at present I'm more concerned about the fact that this breaks whatever font changes I made to the file as soon as I change a color.

bracketsberlin commented 1 year ago

+1: When exporting dart code, also only the Color Scheme is exported but not the text styles. I was struggling to find out which variable names need to used to overwrite the default Flutter text styles that are applied with an M3 theme. I only found this example app:

Please work on exporting text styles soon! :-) Thanks

margeeta commented 6 months ago

Exporting type theme is planned with type theming!