Closed FenixTubluk closed 10 months ago
Thanks for the report.
At the present time, we're no longer generating typography in the versions under active development, neither Figma nor the web version at
Describe the bug When exporting some css variables are missing or have the incorrect variable.
Missing in the generated tokens.css --md-sys-typescale---text-transform --md-sys-typescale---text-decoration
Incorrectly named in typography.module.css or tokens.css
Current generated typography.module.css letter-spacing: var(--md-sys-typescale---tracking); line-height: var(--md-sys-typescale---height);
Should be this instead? as both -letter-spacing and -line-height exists in tokens.css letter-spacing: var(--md-sys-typescale---letter-spacing); line-height: var(--md-sys-typescale---line-height);
To Reproduce Export a theme in the theme builder to css.