material-foundation / material-theme-builder

Visualize dynamic color and create a custom Material Theme.
Apache License 2.0
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No surface container colors generated on web? #196

Closed fr3nzy closed 6 months ago

fr3nzy commented 11 months ago

Surface, On Surface, Surface-Variant and On Surface-Variant are the only surface colors generated, but material design guidelines include documentation on varying surface containers. Is this a feature yet to be implemented?

bubbleguuum commented 10 months ago

Why was this closed ?

fr3nzy commented 10 months ago

Why was this closed ?

Because while the material theme builder website doesn't have these colors, the figma plugin does. You can then export the colours in json format

bubbleguuum commented 10 months ago

But shouldn't the "Android Views (XML)" web export include these surface container colors (and a few other missing colors as well) ?

treeder commented 10 months ago

Will the website version have these soon? If there's no plans to update the website version, might want to remove it from the README and elsewhere so people don't try to use it.

TheBrokenRail commented 9 months ago

These colors seem to be used quite extensively in the upcoming Material Components v1.11. As such including these colors in generated themes is quite important.

margeeta commented 6 months ago

Included with 2.0! Web update is planned, but can access directly: