material-foundation / material-theme-builder

Visualize dynamic color and create a custom Material Theme.
Apache License 2.0
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Feedback on Material Theme Builder Figma Plugin #197

Closed umarzapta closed 11 months ago

umarzapta commented 11 months ago

Hi [Plugin Support Team],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to provide some feedback regarding the Material Theme Builder Figma plugin. Screenshot 2023-07-25 113244

Firstly, I appreciate the plugin's capability to import the style guide into the right panel, making it convenient to access the design elements. However, I noticed that it does not create a color palette in the file as expected. This feature is essential for maintaining consistency and efficiency in the design process.

I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue or guiding me on how to ensure the color palette is successfully imported.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I'm looking forward to an improved experience with the plugin.

Best regards, [Umar]

margeeta commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. The Material Theme Builder no longer supports generating a color schematic. But the updated Material color schematic is available in the M3 design kit and Material Theme Builder playground file (accessed via Try it Out button on Figma plugin page).