material-foundation / material-theme-builder

Visualize dynamic color and create a custom Material Theme.
Apache License 2.0
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surfaceContainerLow must be declared, otherwise Cards and navbars appear with transparent backgrounds #307

Open vicenteparmi opened 1 month ago

vicenteparmi commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug In Flutter 3.22, parameters like surfaceContainerLow must be declared inside the ColorScheme, otherwise Cards and navbars appear with transparent backgrounds. I declared it myself inside the toColorScheme function and it is fixed now.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Update to Flutter 3.22
  2. Use the generated Dart file from the theme builder
  3. Use a card widget or navbar
  4. The backgrounds will be transparent

Expected behavior The theme should provide the colors and the default backgrounds would appear.


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talamaska commented 4 weeks ago

The Material 3 theme builder seems unfinished. I generated a theme for Flutter and despite having defined surfaceContainer elevation tints in MaterialTheme and ColorScheme, they are lost during the conversion to ColorScheme. We have a lot of missing colors. basically all surfaceContainer levels plus fixed colors for primary, secondary and tertiary colors.