materializecss / materialize

Materialize, a web framework based on Material Design
MIT License
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Materialize Moving Forward #2

Closed ryanrapini closed 2 years ago

ryanrapini commented 4 years ago

Hey all,

I'm coming here from the discussion here.

I am happy to start providing pull requests. There are several minor issues that I would love to be fixed in the short term, as I have been using materialize in a very mature Laravel/Vue project in production for the last 4+ years. If there's a confirmation that this is in fact the place to put pull requests and that they will be accepted here instead of stagnating, I'd like to help.

Let me know if there is some sort of organization/trello/work board that i can see.

createdbyken commented 4 years ago

HI, I was reading that conversation. I'm really excited to see materialize going forward. I'm available too to support this project. I've been a huge fan of Materialize since the beginning. Is there's something I can help with please let me know. I can maintain any other tasks or create pull request in order to support Materialize. Best Regards!

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

Let me know if there is some sort of organization/trello/work board that i can see.

So far we have no such board but the project at

We can probably use the free version of ZenHub. I have invited you to the org. We will create different teams later when we have enoug people so we can create a good structure with different permissions.

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

For existing pull requests like I did the following:

# clone the new fork, best is you fork it you clone it to your personal account and use your username instead of materializecss
git clone
# go into the new folder
cd materialize
# add the original upstream repo as remote
git remote add upstream
# fetch all references from the upstream
git fetch upstream
# checkout the original PR and branch using the GitHub CLI
# alternatively see and use upstream instead of origin
gh pr checkout 6521
# now push the branch to your own fork or the materializecss one
# create new PR from the branch and submit it to materializecss/materialize
DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

@mau5ken I sent you also an invite to the new org.

createdbyken commented 4 years ago

All right!!! Very excited. Let's make MaterializeCss great again! <3

Chrisx84 commented 4 years ago

Let me know if there is some sort of organization/trello/work board that i can see.

So far we have no such board but the project at

We can probably use the free version of ZenHub. I have invited you to the org. We will create different teams later when we have enoug people so we can create a good structure with different permissions.

i just use trello as a roadmap

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

We want to keep development in one place and not clutter it with many different tools and logins.

So far it works for the projects where I am collaborator.

Chrisx84 commented 4 years ago

ah ya good idea, kinda does look like a trello board. well good luck with this project, cant wait to use it again on my websites. YES plural, i got many all using bootstrap right now

ChildishGiant commented 4 years ago

I have multiple projects that are reliant on materialize so would happily lend a hand.

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

@ChildishGiant awesome =) We could need some help to triage the open PRs from the upstream repo and to decide which we should merge here in the fork.

ChildishGiant commented 4 years ago (Add new i18n option 'headerFormat' to datepicker) (Add input suffix)

These both seem like targets. I'm having troubles with my git though, so can't test them rn :/

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

I've added both to #7

createdbyken commented 4 years ago

@DanielRuf is there need to be a new site for a the new changes the whole community is doing? I think it would be nice, I can go over a complete new UX/UI design page in order to bring attention to this project.

Also I'm coming as a 100% supporter. I want to spend more time in Open source project's now, so @DanielRuf feel free to discuss anything priority with me.

Thanks! <3

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

@DanielRuf is there need to be a new site for a the new changes the whole community is doing? I think it would be nice, I can go over a complete new UX/UI design page in order to bring attention to this project.

At least the website is a live demo of the framework and its capabilities (eat your own dog food). A distinction and a different design could be useful to make clear that this is a fork with improvements and major changes in the future after the biggest bugs are fixed.

I think we could need more examples, a better search and better getting started guide with some example projects for those who are not that experienced with JS (but would find code blocks useful that contain the needed code). A bit like the coding blocks for Foundation Sites (I'm a maintainer of Foundation Sites): (just an idea). And this would probably help more people to get started with materialize.

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

npmjs org created and original 1.0.0 release uploaded to npmjs:

doughballs commented 4 years ago

@mau5ken this is a great idea. Also, an opportunity to change the default theme colour - lighthouse downgrades the current default colours for poor contrast, if you pay any attention to that sort of thing.

@DanielRuf also great idea - I use materialize exclusively in Wordpress, and am working on a theme at the minute, thinking about how I can help the user with blocks in the same way. Everything is moving in this direction.

I have never worked collaboratively before, so not sure how to contribute beyond my opinion in here.

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

I think we can prepare the next release in the next days / weeks. I'll go through the current changes then, check if it's a minor or patch release and start preparing some changelogs if I find the time. Help is very welcome.

After this we'll setup semantic-releases probably to automate this, migrate the CI setup (maybe before the release?) and so on.

createdbyken commented 4 years ago

How can I contribute to acquire the .org extension for materializeCSS? I would like to make this donation in order to start uploading some new improvements. Plus, I can't download the repo to make some improvements is there a protocol for this @DanielRuf ?

Thanks for your kind reply.

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

To provide a PR you have to do the following steps:

Fork the repo to your own account:

Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-07 um 22 47 49

Then clone and checkout your branch.

git clone
cd materialize
git checkout -b your-new-branch-name

Then apply your changes, commit and push them to your fork. From there you can open a PR to materializecss/materialize.

There are also some guides like and

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

How can I contribute to acquire the .org extension for materializeCSS?

I'm not sure if it makes sense to buy the org version when the original project has the com version. This could lead to some confusion when they land on the wrong website / fork.

I might still have a few domains for free in my hosting plan so you may not have to buy one. Also when someone donates a domain we would need to have control over it (DNS and so on) just in case something happens.

For now it's best when I order some domain, enter the needed registration details and create a separate account in my hosting which contains only the domain and I elect someone or some of us who should also have access to it.

We should discuss and decide together what the best solution is, also regarding the situation that there is still the com version which is used by many.

doughballs commented 4 years ago

@DanielRuf one question re PR - now that I’ve created my first one, what about if I need to create a second one? Do I have to do the whole process again? Or a new branch? Or just a new commit to the same branch?!

And re the domain/name/new brand - I realise we may not have the forward movement for materialize2 just yet, but it would be a good idea to really differentiate us from .com (to avoid confusion) and I think a number 2 is a solid way to do it. Or some other clear marker that this is a new path.

wuda-io commented 4 years ago sounds good

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

@doughballs in this case you create a new branch for the new PR.

blackjyn commented 4 years ago

Damn, I'm at the progress on making Materialize CSS course on Udemy. I'll probably help on making the docs even friendlier cos current docs sucks

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

Damn, I'm at the progress on making Materialize CSS course on Udemy. I'll probably help on making the docs even friendlier cos current docs sucks

That sounds great. Looking forward to your first PR here =)

blackjyn commented 4 years ago

@DanielRuf not pretty soon, but I do have collected several bugs and possible enhancements on Forms and JS Comps. For instance, the Accordion comps does NOT support <dl><dt><dd> construct, while other FW like Bootstrap supports it. Also, incomplete aka partial support on Form's component validation. etc. etc.. lot of things.

khashashin commented 4 years ago

If you guys need help of the community, I would recommend you to create new release asap and show people that this fork started to make releases and push new features. Then, I believe, people will switch to this fork.

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

If you guys need help of the community, I would recommend you to create new release asap and show people that this fork started to make releases and push new features. Then, I believe, people will switch to this fork.

This is planned for this or next month (a new release) =)

xenkuo commented 4 years ago

You guys are the real hero, thanks for all your efforts.

Christopher-Rains commented 4 years ago

@DanielRuf Greetings! Thank you all for helping to push this project forward. I've used it in several projects before and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I was worried the project might be abandoned so I was very pleased to see this fork moving forward with bug fixes and enhancements.

I'd like to help participate in the project and contribute in any way I can. I haven't spent a lot of time looking through the source code of the project but I've been developing JavaScript applications for 10+ years so I'm happy to jump in where I can. I'm also happy to help with writing documentation and building out the new website if there is work to be done there.

Thanks again for your dedication to this. Let me know how I can help!

DanielRuf commented 4 years ago

I'd like to help participate in the project and contribute in any way I can. I haven't spent a lot of time looking through the source code of the project but I've been developing JavaScript applications for 10+ years so I'm happy to jump in where I can. I'm also happy to help with writing documentation and building out the new website if there is work to be done there.

Any help is very welcome.

bradjohns0n commented 3 years ago

I am here to pledge my allegiance. Any word on a release anytime soon?

DanielRuf commented 3 years ago

We could need some changelog for the release. See for the changes / commits after the v1.0.0 release.

I plan to do the release then with @Smankusors so he knows the publishing process and has the needed rights.

TomFreudenberg commented 3 years ago

Just a "Thank you all" continuing this work! 👍

Thats great!


mxdpeep commented 3 years ago

good to see some progress 💪🤩

mxdpeep commented 3 years ago

I may create a Docker release builder of static releases, current building system is quite complicated

Smankusors commented 3 years ago

I may create a Docker release builder of static releases, current building system is quite complicated

well currently it's just as simple as cloning this repo, then npm install, then npm run release -- --oldver=[current version] --newver=[new version], and get the files at dists folder. Although this could be improved later...

creating Docker for release builder seems.... IMO more complicated though... 🤔

DanielRuf commented 3 years ago

well currently it's just as simple as cloning this repo, then npm install, then npm run release -- --oldver=[current version] --newver=[new version], and get the files at dists folder. Although this could be improved later...

creating Docker for release builder seems.... IMO more complicated though... thinking


@mxdpeep please test if it works for you or if there are any issues that we have to resolve.

tomwjerry commented 3 years ago

I become curious about how the materialize project is going. The old repo was dead but I found with some effort this github project.

Are there any plans to use webpack (or something) instead of bower + grunt? I have a suggestion to remove the old branches in this project. Might not be super important, just a suggestion though. Another problem is the jade files (what are they used for?) should be upgraded to pug. I know that is not easy because pug and jade have some major differences.

DanielRuf commented 3 years ago

Are there any plans to use webpack (or something) instead of bower + grunt?

In the future (next year) probably as this requires some work.

I have a suggestion to remove the old branches in this project. Might not be super important, just a suggestion though.

This is on our roadmap, to cleanup / remove old branches.

Another problem is the jade files (what are they used for?) should be upgraded to pug.

For generating the html files for the documentation.

PRs are very welcome.

wuda-io commented 3 years ago

Hey guys! Whats the plan for the upcoming release? Would be great to hear a concrete date. I read somewhere that the plan is to release this year. Thanks for info. Keep up the good work <3

DanielRuf commented 3 years ago

No concrete date planned.

L1ghtn1ng commented 3 years ago

Is this going to get uploaded to when the release gets done?

DanielRuf commented 3 years ago

Is this going to get uploaded to when the release gets done?

Probably under a different name. Also personally I do not recommend the usage of CDNs as the advantages are mostly gone with the new cache partitioning in browsers.

Afaik cdnjs uses a repo and they have to pull that in by request. See

jshster commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, I posted on the original repo but have since discovered this one. Just trying to get an understanding of where we're at. All of my projects are using Materialize 1.0.0. Apologies for the dumb questions. I've used GitHub as version control but never collaboratively and am struggling to make sense of where things are at.

I would love to help out.... just not sure how. I've spent far too long pulling my hair out trying to work out undocumented features or discovering that components don't work the way the doco seems to suggest.

I look forward to hearing more soon.

wuda-io commented 3 years ago

Hello, yea in the beginning it was really motivating, but now it seems to stand still too a bit. I made a PR 2 weeks ago which fixes a major bug, but until now nothing happened. Also it was planned to make a release this year, but also nothing... So it would be interesting who is responsible for the management of this repo. I would also like to push this project further, but i have no rights to accept a PR. Maybe it would make totally sense to make a weekly PR merge and summary what happened to improve over time. Best regards

jshster commented 3 years ago

Hello, yea in the beginning it was really motivating, but now it seems to stand still too a bit. I made a PR 2 weeks ago which fixes a major bug, but until now nothing happened. Also it was planned to make a release this year, but also nothing... So it would be interesting who is responsible for the management of this repo. I would also like to push this project further, but i have no rights to accept a PR. Maybe it would make totally sense to make a weekly PR merge and summary what happened to improve over time. Best regards

OK, I'll dip my toe in what could be a political minefield - who does have the rights? And what are they doing? Is anyone in touch with them? Would it be crazy to suggest a zoom call between interested parties?

DanielRuf commented 3 years ago

OK, I'll dip my toe in what could be a political minefield - who does have the rights? And what are they doing? Is anyone in touch with them? Would it be crazy to suggest a zoom call between interested parties?

Hi, I'm the owner of the org and @materializecss/members-write-access have write access. But people have more important things at the moment. See the outstanding changes in the PRs for example.

No real need for a zoom call if no one has time at the moment.

Any help is very welcome.

wuda-io commented 3 years ago

Hi @DanielRuf thanks for the merge. Highly appreciate this. This is my first PR ever made 🥳 I am looking forward to contribute even more in the future. Have a good time ✌️

LoganTann commented 3 years ago

No releases since 10 Sep 2018, and the repository have been created for more than 10 months ...

Do the team know when we will get a new release (even beta, as long as we have more fixed bugs than 1.0) ?