materialsproject / api

New API client for the Materials Project
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Entries API #67

Open mkhorton opened 4 years ago

mkhorton commented 4 years ago

This is for the thermo and Pourbaix apps.

mkhorton commented 4 years ago

For Pourbaix, it may be useful to check out the existing logic within MPRester -- perhaps some of this can be pulled into the API route itself instead of being done client-side

@rkingsbury is also current on some of the changes to the compatibility classes that might help with this route.

rkingsbury commented 4 years ago

I would prefer to evolve Pourbaix logic in a direction that parallels PhaseDiagram, in which you just pull the ComputedEntry from the API and then construct the diagram client-side. The problem I see with the current client-side method is that it "hides" the underlying ComputedEntry that are being used to construct the PourbaixEntry: get_pourbaix_entries only returns PourbaixEntry which loses a lot of information about the underlying calculations and makes it difficult for users to add their own entries without diving deep into the code.

I'd advocate that we move most of the logic in get_pourbaix_entries into a separate pymatgen function that isn't tied to the API (e.g. make_pourbaix_entries([ComputedEntry]), or even just put it inside PourbaixDiagram. We could retain get_pourbaix_entries for convenience, but it would just be calling the above method in conjunction with get_entries

The question is how to handle the ion data. We could have a separate API method get_ion_entries(PhaseDiagram) that would query the ion data (presumably from MPContribs or MPRester) and return a list of IonEntry. Alternatively, make_pourbaix_entries could take care of this based on the ComputedEntry provided by the user.

So I'd suggest something like:

API.get_ion_entries(PhaseDiagram) -> [IonEntry]:
     Queries MPContribs to retrieve ions and construct ion entries, based on the provided PhaseDiagram

pourbaix_diagram.make_pourbaix_entries([ComputedEntry], [IonEntry]) -> [PourbaixEntry]:
     Uses the provided ComputedEntry, IonEntry to construct a list of PourbaixEntry
     that can be used to make a diagram

API.get_pourbaix_entries(chemsys) -> [PourbaixEntry]:
    Convenience method that uses 
    to return the list of PourbaixEntry that can be used to make a diagram

This way users have the flexibility within pymatgen to construct PourbaixEntry with their own data without having to hack the code.

mkhorton commented 4 years ago

One element of this is that we will eventually need to make the PourbaixDiagram MSONable (i.e. after it's constructed) so that we can deliver a whole PourbaixDiagram directly from the database. This will be necessary to be able to display a Pourbaix diagram for a specific material on the material details page (i.e. bring focus to a specific material in the diagram / overlay the deltaG contour).

I'd advocate that we move most of the logic in get_pourbaix_entries into a separate pymatgen function that isn't tied to the API (e.g. make_pourbaix_entries([ComputedEntry]), or even just put it inside PourbaixDiagram.

This sounds sensible.

The question is how to handle the ion data. We could have a separate API method get_ion_entries(PhaseDiagram) that would query the ion data (presumably from MPContribs or MPRester) and return a list of IonEntry. Alternatively, make_pourbaix_entries could take care of this based on the ComputedEntry provided by the user.

This is already part of the MPContribs API correct, from your recent contribution?

rkingsbury commented 4 years ago

The question is how to handle the ion data. We could have a separate API method get_ion_entries(PhaseDiagram) that would query the ion data (presumably from MPContribs or MPRester) and return a list of IonEntry. Alternatively, make_pourbaix_entries could take care of this based on the ComputedEntry provided by the user.

This is already part of the MPContribs API correct, from your recent contribution?

The data is in MPContribs, but I don't have a method for querying it yet

rkingsbury commented 4 years ago

One element of this is that we will eventually need to make the PourbaixDiagram MSONable (i.e. after it's constructed) so that we can deliver a whole PourbaixDiagram directly from the database. This will be necessary to be able to display a Pourbaix diagram for a specific material on the material details page (i.e. bring focus to a specific material in the diagram / overlay the deltaG contour).

This is good to know. I still don't feel I have a good grasp on what makes a class MSONable or not. Do you happen to know what it is about the current PourbaixDiagram that prevents "MSONability" :) Or is there a synopsis of the "rules" I can refer to somwhere?

rkingsbury commented 4 years ago

Actually, it looks like PourbaixDiagram is already MSONable?

rkingsbury commented 4 years ago

How important is backward compatibility in the PourbaixDiagram call signature? I think it would be more transparent for users (and more consistent with PhaseDiagram) if the signature were PourbaixDiagram([ComputedEntry], [IonEntry]) rather than the existing PourbaixDiagram([PourbaixEntry]). I don't see any reason the PourbaixEntry can't be constructed internally within the diagram class; there isn't a reason for a user to construct them other than for the purposes of building a pourbaix diagram.

If we could make that change, we wouldn't need a separate make_pourbaix_entries method; we'd just rework the internals of PourbaixDiagram

mkhorton commented 4 years ago

The class is MSONable, but it doesn't store the analysis -- when you restore the class from a dict, you have to repeat all the analysis steps , which is slow (see the init). The modification is to make sure that the MSONable as_dict/from_dict stores the analysis (eg the Pourbaix domains) and does not repeat the analysis if it's already been calculated.

Making a class MSONable is fairly straight forward, it's just storing any argument passed to the main initializer, which can be done by default provided the class has an attribute (or attribute with leading underscore) that matches the corresponding kwarg name. i.e. in this case, it might be adding an additional kwarg called "domain_data" and not repeating the analysis if this is provided.

munrojm commented 4 years ago

I will start with an endpoint that obtains ComputedEntry objects. We can shift as much or as little into the API side as we want with regards to the Pourbaix stuff. Might be helpful to chat about that after I get done with the first part.

munrojm commented 4 years ago

The current MPRester method pulls oxide_type from the materials doc, and uses it as a parameter in the ComputedEntries object. Is this important to anything? It appears as though we have dropped that key in the new materials doc format.

rkingsbury commented 4 years ago

The current MPRester method pulls oxide_type from the materials doc, and uses it as a parameter in the ComputedEntries object. Is this important to anything? It appears as though we have dropped that key in the new materials doc format.

Yes, oxide_type is very important for the existing and the new MP2020 correction scheme, as are the potcar settings and is_hubbard keys. Please keep them!

In addition, the new MP2020 correction scheme can make use of an optional data.oxidation_states field that is expected to comprise a dict keyed by elements, with values representing the likely oxidation state of the element e.g. {'Al': 3.0, 'S': 2.0, 'O': -2.0} for 'Al2SO4'. One way to populate this is with the Composition.oxi_state_guesses method, but we'll need to be careful if we incorporate this into the build process because performance can be slow.

mkhorton commented 4 years ago

oxide_type can be computed on-the-fly from the structure, the is_hubbard needs to be passed through from the appropriate task though

Re. oxidation state, I ran the builder the other day + have these pre-calculated for all MP now (where the algorithms work, at least), we could add this to the standard build + create a route for them

munrojm commented 3 years ago

Thermo endpoint added which allows one to obtain ComputedEntry objects.

mkhorton commented 3 years ago

Fantastic, thanks @munrojm !

mkhorton commented 3 years ago

Added note about cohesive energies, see

Not sure whether this is best incorporated into thermo builder / thermo API, or a separate "isolated_atom" end point, or what ...

mkhorton commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to add "decomposes_to" to the thermo endpoint?

munrojm commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to add "decomposes_to" to the thermo endpoint?

Yes, I will add that today.