materialsproject / api

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Get full synthesis paragraph #739

Closed ihalage closed 1 year ago

ihalage commented 1 year ago


I want to get the full synthesis paragraph of several materials using their formulae. But I am getting only a trimmed version of the paragraph. Below is a reproducible example.

from mp_api.client.routes.synthesis import SynthesisRester

rester = SynthesisRester('API_KEY')
data ='BaTiO3', chunk_size=100, num_chunks=200)


Here is the output.

Retrieving SynthesisSearchResultModel documents: 100%|█| 314/314 [00:01<00:00, 2 All chemicals were used without further treatment for the synthesis. BaCO3 (≥99%, Solvay), TiO2 (≥...

It's cropped. Is it possible to get the full paragraph?

munrojm commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, we are only allowed to distribute excerpt text from the paragraphs that match the provided search terms under the agreement with the publishers.