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Consider switching FWSerializable to monty serialization #278

Open computron opened 6 years ago

computron commented 6 years ago

FWSerializable was written before there was a robust serialization package in monty. Now that the latter contains an officially supported serialization package, consider switching FWSerializable to monty serialization.

Or at least make FWSerializable a subclass of monty's serialization if possible.

Will help consistency with monty and other codes we develop.

shyamd commented 5 years ago

This is something I'm considering implementing.

One thing we will lose is the class redirection available with FWSerializeable. Is that ok?

computron commented 5 years ago

I think the class redirection is actually pretty important - we do move things around from time to time and FireWorks workflows are intended to be pretty "permanent".!searchin/fireworkflows/FW_NAME_UPDATES|sort:date/fireworkflows/ENbXaxdMRBU/0kZvZAJABQAJ

It might be easier to have FWSerializable subclass MSONable?