materialsproject / fireworks

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AttributeError: "safe_load()" has been removed #531

Open fraricci opened 1 month ago

fraricci commented 1 month ago

Have you already seen this error?

I have a recent ruamel.yaml v.0.18.6 and got this error when trying to load the launchpad: lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load() or lpad = LaunchPad.from_file()

The full error stack is the following:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[50], line 1
----> 1 LaunchPad.auto_load()

File ~/python-venvs/devel/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/fireworks/core/, in LaunchPad.auto_load(cls)
    310 @classmethod
    311 def auto_load(cls):
    312     if LAUNCHPAD_LOC:
--> 313         return LaunchPad.from_file(LAUNCHPAD_LOC)
    314     return LaunchPad()

File ~/python-venvs/devel/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/fireworks/utilities/, in FWSerializable.from_file(cls, filename, f_format)
    289     f_format = filename.split(".")[-1]
    290 with open(filename, "r", **ENCODING_PARAMS) as f:
--> 291     return cls.from_format(, f_format=f_format)

File ~/python-venvs/devel/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/fireworks/utilities/, in FWSerializable.from_format(cls, f_str, f_format)
    254     dct = json.loads(f_str)
    255 elif f_format == "yaml":
--> 256     dct = yaml.safe_load(f_str)
    257 else:
    258     raise ValueError(f"Unsupported format {f_format}")

File ~/python-venvs/devel/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/, in safe_load(stream, version)
   1099 def safe_load(stream: StreamTextType, version: Optional[VersionType] = None) -> Any:
   1100     """
   1101     Parse the first YAML document in a stream
   1102     and produce the corresponding Python object.
   1103     Resolve only basic YAML tags.
   1104     """
-> 1105     error_deprecation('safe_load', 'load', arg="typ='safe', pure=True")

File ~/python-venvs/devel/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/, in error_deprecation(fun, method, arg, comment)
   1037     raise AttributeError(s)
   1038 else:
-> 1039     raise AttributeError(s, name=None)

"safe_load()" has been removed, use

  yaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=True)

instead of file "/home/fraricci/python-venvs/devel/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/fireworks/utilities/", line 256

            dct = yaml.safe_load(f_str)

Applying the suggested way of loading a file it works:

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from pathlib import Path

yaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=True)
yaml = yaml.load(Path("my_launchpad.yaml").read_text())
lpad = LaunchPad.from_dict(yaml)

If someone can confirm this, I can send a pull request with this fix.


ikondov commented 1 month ago

@fraricci Have you used the most recent release or the main branch? The issue has been already solved in the main branch since this PR but is has not been released yet. So you do not have to provide a PR. For the time being, I would suggest that you pull and install from the main branch.

This issue is duplicate of

ikondov commented 1 month ago

Another workaround is to downgrade ruamel.yaml <0.18.0 if new installation/upgrade from fireworks main branch is not convenient. This is what I had done until PR was merged.

fraricci commented 1 month ago

Thank for you reply! I actually searched the issues, but not the pull requests, so I did not see that you had already mentioned and solved the issue. I have the fireworks version that comes with pip. Indeed I installed the last 0.17 version of ruamel.yaml to temporary solve the issue.

Given that relevance of your PR, I believe a new version of Fireworks should be released. @janosh @computron


janosh commented 1 month ago

i'm not a manager of fireworks pypi package and there's no release CI in place. so a new release has to be done by @computron

mattmcdermott commented 3 weeks ago

Both my coworker and I ran into this same issue and it took us a while to figure out (downgrading ruamel.yaml was the easy fix).

+1 for doing a new release! @computron