mateusmenezes95 / omnidirectional_controllers

ROS2 controllers for Omnidirectional robots with three wheels
MIT License
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Understanding how to use your controller #7

Closed robotcopper closed 3 months ago

robotcopper commented 3 months ago

Hello @mateusmenezes95 , first of all, thank you for your work in enabling us to use your controller under ros2 Humble.

A bit of context:

I am working on the creation of a 3 wheel holonomic robot. I've managed to set up the whole navigation environment with Nav2, giving me the global speed control of the robot on /cmd_vel. I'm now looking to get the speed for each of the motors (which your package seems to do).


ROS2 Humble Ubuntu 22.04 Classic Gazebo The real robot


If you could enlighten me on these matters I would be truly grateful.

Expected behaviour:

What I hope to be able to do with this package is to visualise the control of my robot under gazebo and above all, without using gazebo, launch the controller and go from my /cmd_vel to /topic_wheel_commands giving me the speed command for each of my wheels.


I've obviously already written my own node subscribing to /cmd_vel and sending me the speed of each motor by inverse kinematics on a topic, but wanting to make a project as close as possible to the state of the art, it seemed a shame not to use ros2_control despite the trouble I'm having understanding its workings in detail.


I manage to use it. I will now dig inside to fully understand it and not only using it out of the box.