mateusznitka / protocolsmanager

GLPI Plugin to report users inventory
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Feature - In report those field should be shown #3

Open mat44444 opened 4 years ago

mat44444 commented 4 years ago

Equipment - Equipment Type - Inventory Number - Location(if specified)

mateusznitka commented 4 years ago

I plan that in next release you can choose some fields in template so I will take into account location too.

mecmav commented 4 years ago

I think this is relative. For my case, I'm using the plugin assigning items to an user. The selected assets are in same location (in a car for example -> "location": "Location > a Vehicle". But I know that a user will use this car (location), So the location in report don't make sense for me, because the car already a location. All assets are in the car, so the location will not be changed

mecmav commented 4 years ago

It works the way it is for my business rule.

Wolvverine commented 2 years ago

It would be good to add the possibility of customizing what fields are displayed / added in addition to the mandatory ones, for example: How much RAM is installed on the computer.

Chiy0n0sake commented 2 years ago

Hi, I bounce on the request to be able to add the location (dropdown_location) during the PDF export. Which would make the delivery slip more complete, we would thus find the material, assigned to such and such, which is at such and such a place.

Wolvverine commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, it looks like you will have to write it, or wait, the current version for GLPI 10.0.x I am developing here:

Any help and patches welcome of course.

Chiy0n0sake commented 2 years ago

OK, thanks! In the meantime, is there a possible modification on the PHP side to make a particular field appear?