mateusznitka / protocolsmanager

GLPI Plugin to report users inventory
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Undefined variable $containerName in generate.class.php #61

Closed Jasiopi closed 1 year ago

Jasiopi commented 1 year ago

Hello, I install this plugin, and when I go to Administration/users and in users open tab with Protocol Menager I see this warning.

Warning: Undefined variable $containerName in C:\xampp\htdocs\glpi\plugins\protocolsmanager\inc\generate.class.php on line 134

image image image

I don`t know what a heppen.

pistokcad commented 1 year ago

Please check the PHP version. As I know the PHP 7.4 the good version. (In the version 8 generate lot of misterious error message)

Jasiopi commented 1 year ago

You has right. I have GLPI with PHP 8.2.0 You has any idea What I can do with this?

pistokcad commented 1 year ago

You has right. I have GLPI with PHP 8.2.0 You has any idea What I can do with this?

Install a good version of PHP.

For more help - I used this in linux, which has php-fpm module, which integrated to apache, something like this:

<Directory /var/www/directory/someotherdirectory/glpi> <FilesMatch .php$> SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/" . . (site cinfugruration - you have to know waht in your system) .

Jasiopi commented 1 year ago

Install a good version of PHP.

I dont know, why i asking about this.

Whatever, I do it on XAMPP in windows for test. I change php version and it work. Thanks