math-a3k / covid-ht

covid-ht aims to provide a tool for implementing an AI layer on clinical classification effectively in order to improve detection, information availability and resource efficiency in medical environments.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Make specificity available as a CV metric #20

Closed math-a3k closed 2 years ago

math-a3k commented 2 years ago

Sensitivity and Specificity are the default standards for evaluating diagnostic tests (, sensitivity is called "recall" but specificity is not provided in but it can be obtained through the confusion matrix or the recall of the negative class.

Implement in way that can be incorporated in the cv_metrics field of a classifier (i.e. "accuracy, recall, specificity"):

get_cross_validation_scores() is currently considered to be engine specific:

More info:

math-a3k commented 2 years ago

This hit a limitation / flaw in django-ai (, with that settled, it is implemented in