math-comp / algebra-tactics

Ring, field, lra, nra, and psatz tactics for Mathematical Components
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Magic number `100%N` used as "fuel" in reflexive normalization (?) #57

Open pi8027 opened 2 years ago

pi8027 commented 2 years ago

I should investigate this at some point, but I'm not sure if 100 is large enough: Coq uses 1000 instead:

I think we should at least give a constant name to this number as in Coq.

gares commented 2 years ago

ring 1000: H?

pi8027 commented 2 years ago

@gares I don't think letting the user specify this number for every tactic call is very useful. If I should make it configurable, I would do that through a tactic that returns this number.

@thery What do you think? Is it useful if this number is configurable?

thery commented 2 years ago

Oh my god no :scream: Could you use some binary encoding so to give as fuel something really big.

thery commented 2 years ago

I remember in Buchberger I was using some fuel with a double recursion.

type ’a rp = Stop of ’a | More of ’a
let rec iter_rp n f v = match v with
| More r -> match n with
               | O -> f r
               | S n1 -> iter_rp n1 f (iter_rp n1 f v)
| _ -> v
pi8027 commented 2 years ago

The actual code that requires this fuel is, I guess, these functions in setoid_ring:

I'm not going to change them. But, it seems to me that (10*10*10)%nat is an effective technique to reduce the term size, including those obtained during reduction.

thery commented 2 years ago

is this the code that handles the substitution of H1 in ring [H1]? Can you try x^101 = 1 with H1 : x = 1?

pi8027 commented 2 years ago

is this the code that handles the substitution of H1 in ring [H1]?

Yes, I think so, and my main problem is that I have no idea how big this fuel should be.

Can you try x^101 = 1 with H1 : x = 1?

It works without any problem:

Goal forall (R : comRingType) (x : R), x = 1 -> x ^+ 101 = 1.
Proof. by move=> R x; ring. Qed.

Goal forall (R : comRingType) (x : R), x = 1 -> x ^+ 10000 = 1.
Proof. by move=> R x; ring. Qed.
thery commented 2 years ago

you don't need to say explicitely to use the assumption?

pi8027 commented 2 years ago

If the goal is implication P1 -> ... -> Pn -> Q, my ring tactic uses P1 ... Pn as assumptions.

thery commented 2 years ago

this is dangerous! x = x^2 -> x = x ring will use all the fuel.

pi8027 commented 2 years ago

Aha, I thought it was more intelligent. I will try to produce such an example.