math1um / objects-invariants-properties

Objects, Invariants and Properties for Graph Theory (GT) automated conjecturing: in particular with the Sage program CONJECTURING:
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Add alias for c7 to GT #602

Closed math1um closed 3 years ago

math1um commented 6 years ago

The cycle c7 on 7 vertices exists in GT as c7 = alpha_critical_FhCKG

It would be useful if "c7" as that name existed after the user loads GT - but of course we don't want to add it again a 2nd time.

add reference: c7 = alpha_critical_FhCKG

math1um commented 3 years ago

c7 is a better name for this graph. Just change it to c7.

math1um commented 3 years ago

c7 exists as a graph in the alpha_critical_graphs list. we'11:

1) remove the g6 string from the list (so remove 'FhCKG')

2) add a graph c7 elsewhere (say just below c6!):

c7 = graphs.CycleGraph(7) = "c7") add_to_lists(c7, graph_objects, all_graphs)


alpha_critical_graphnames = ['A','Bw', 'C~', 'Dhc', 'D~{', 'E|OW', 'E~~w', 'FhCKG', 'F~[KG', 'FzEKW', 'Fn[kG', 'F~~~w', 'GbL|TS', 'G~?mvc', 'GbMmvG', 'Gb?kTG', 'GzD{Vg', 'Gb?kR', 'GbqlZ', 'GbilZ', 'G~~~~{', 'GbDKPG', 'HzCGKFo', 'H~|wKF{', 'HnLk]My', 'HhcWKF', 'HhKWKF', 'HhCW[F', 'HxCw}V`', 'HhcGKf', 'HhKGKf', 'Hh[gMEO', 'HhdGKE[', 'HhcWKE[', 'HhdGKFK', 'HhCGGE@', 'Hn[gGE@', 'Hn^zxU@', 'HlDKhEH', 'H~~', 'HnKmH]N', 'HnvzhEH', 'HhfJGE@', 'HhdJGM@', 'Hj~KHeF', 'HhdGHeB', 'HhXg[EO', 'HhGG]ES', 'H~Gg]f{', 'H~?g]vs', 'H~@w[Vs', 'Hn_k[^o']

jaritaes99 commented 3 years ago
