math241s24 / project-02-neural_networks

project-02-neural_networks created by GitHub Classroom
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Proposal Peer Review #1

Open JamesonOates opened 5 months ago

JamesonOates commented 5 months ago

name: Proposal peer review about: Peer review of final project proposal title: Proposal peer review labels: '' assignees: ''

The following is the peer review of the project proposal by neural_networks. The team members who participated in this review are:

The project uses neural networks through R studio, and plans to load packages that will classify images based on the brightness of the pixels used in the image.

They are using a dataset that contains 60,000 observations, each representing an image of clothing. Variables examined for each observation include a label for what type of clothing it is, and a column for each pixel in the image, with an associated value for brightness.

Neural networks will first be trained to distinguish types of clothing using a dataset consisting of photos of clothing with each pixel characterized for brightness, the project will then be presented using a website and a shiny app to demonstrate to the class how neural networks work.

The proposal was a little bit vague on how one goes about training a neural network. What kind of coding does this entail? We’re also very curious as to how pixel brightness is going to be an indicator of what type of clothing something is, given that clothes are generally a bunch of different shades. Is it based on relative brightness?

It might be useful to find examples of similar neural network research (classifying by brightness) to show the practical use of such networks.

We would love to learn more about how training a neural network works and maybe some information about what specifically they can be used for, real-world applications of this type of data science.

Your proposal is named cartoon character classification, and the repo project organization section of your proposal says that you are working with cartoon characters, but your proposal mainly discusses classifying clothing items. The data itself seems to be for the clothing, so just make sure that you update your project name and anywhere else it might be relevant :)

This in an interesting topic of research, very excited to learn more about it!

elliottchang commented 4 months ago

Thanks so much for your feedback! It was very helpful!