mathandy / svgpathtools

A collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bezier curves.
MIT License
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Is `svgpathtools` officially dead? #195

Closed leycec closed 1 year ago

leycec commented 1 year ago

Because... it kinda seems like svgpathtools is officially dead. The last commit to the master branch was nearly nine months ago. A litany of installation and runtime issues remain unresolved. It isn't necessarily looking good, is it?

But thanks for the many long years of tireless volunteerism, @mathandy! Open-source can be exhausting, demoralizing, and debilitating at the best of times – and The Colbert Report tells me these are not those times. Wherever svgpathtools goes next, ...if indeed it goes anywhere I'll always remember it fondly with nostalgic tears in my eyes. :cry:

mathandy commented 1 year ago

I wouldn't call it dead by any means. I try to keep it maintained (working on new and old systems) and merge nice PRs when they come along.
That said, I get your point -- I often don't respond to issues I don't immediately recognize as critical. To as large an extent as possible, I rely on the community to keep this project going and keep developing it. If you ever want to talk about a potential pull request, I'll be all ears.