the svg2paths functions return 2 paths (of course) for the two circles. Unfortunately, because of float rounding, svgpathtools says that the first circle is closed, but not the second one: it 's clear why:
So yes, for the second circle, 14.849999999999998 != 14.85 so the initial point is not the end point, and for svgpathtools logic it is unfortunately suffisant to declare that the circle is not closed.
when reading such a svg file:
the svg2paths functions return 2 paths (of course) for the two circles. Unfortunately, because of float rounding, svgpathtools says that the first circle is closed, but not the second one: it 's clear why:
So yes, for the second circle, 14.849999999999998 != 14.85 so the initial point is not the end point, and for svgpathtools logic it is unfortunately suffisant to declare that the circle is not closed.