We aim to please users with not just another solution bank to leetcode problems, but more. Contributors are encouraged to upload and share any additional content such as visual diagrams, animated GIFs, notes, charts, or whatever they use to not only solve, but UNDERSTAND the problem at hand.
Recently I started learning React and Tailwindcss, So I used it to build a Demo Landing page for contentfordevelopers, I wanted to pull request but I am overwelmhed by the codebase , I have no idea on redux or sass, So I made an entirely new folder and made the landing page from scratch... I did not gave much attention to the footer....
Greetings @mathcodes !
Recently I started learning React and Tailwindcss, So I used it to build a Demo Landing page for contentfordevelopers, I wanted to pull request but I am overwelmhed by the codebase , I have no idea on redux or sass, So I made an entirely new folder and made the landing page from scratch... I did not gave much attention to the footer....
Waiting for your feedback!!
Thank You
here is the link :- https://63daa885798b480441cc0b29--whimsical-phoenix-c93208.netlify.app/
here is the Github repo :- https://github.com/Jayaditya-Contributor/DemoContentForDevLanding