mathcodes / contentfordevelopers

We aim to please users with not just another solution bank to leetcode problems, but more. Contributors are encouraged to upload and share any additional content such as visual diagrams, animated GIFs, notes, charts, or whatever they use to not only solve, but UNDERSTAND the problem at hand.
MIT License
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Realign General Focus to MUCH Broader Scope #164

Open mathcodes opened 1 year ago

mathcodes commented 1 year ago

In order to live up to its name, ContentForDevelopers needs to cover a much larger and growing list of topics and prep/learning tools, including in n:

  1. Code Debugging and Troubleshooting Techniques
  2. Coding Best Practices and Design Patterns
  3. DSA - Technical Interview Practice
  4. Database Management and Data Analytics
  5. DevOps and Software Development Methodologies
  6. Frameworks and Libraries
  7. Industry Insights
  8. Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing
  9. Interview Preparation
  10. Job Search Strategies
  11. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  12. Negotiating Offers
  13. Resume and Cover Letter Writing
  14. Security-Related Topics
  15. Soft Skills
  16. Tips and Tricks for Performance Optimization
  17. Tutorials for Programming Languages

Future development/issues include:

Feel free to create a PR with the name as one of these items if you wish to take the initiative. 👍

mathcodes commented 1 year ago

So, unless anyone would like to chime in and help me pick the top categories for this site, I have chosen the following:

dsa aiandthefuture accessibilityandwcag frameworksandlibraries codingconventions DevelopersLibrary
