mathesar-foundation / mathesar

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Improve typecasting in mathesar #3560

Open Anish9901 opened 2 months ago

Anish9901 commented 2 months ago


Potential solution:

A complelling example:

anish=# SELECT 6::bool;
(1 row)
anish=# SELECT mathesar_types.cast_to_boolean(6);
ERROR:  6 is not a boolean
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function mathesar_types.cast_to_boolean(integer) line 5 at RAISE
anish=# select 'false'::jsonb::bool;
(1 row)
anish=# SELECT mathesar_types.cast_to_boolean('false'::jsonb);
ERROR:  function mathesar_types.cast_to_boolean(jsonb) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT mathesar_types.cast_to_boolean('false'::jsonb);
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

Type aliases are confusing:

Are we okay with using type names mentioned in pg_type rather than their synonyms in the backend?

(referenced from :

Getting info about existing typecasting functions provided by postgres:

SELECT source_type.typname AS source, target_type.typname AS target, procedure_name.proname AS function, c.castcontext, c.castmethod
FROM pg_catalog.pg_cast AS c 
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type AS source_type ON c.castsource = source_type.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type AS target_type ON c.casttarget = target_type.oid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc AS procedure_name ON c.castfunc = procedure_name.oid
WHERE c.castmethod = 'f' AND source_type.typname NOT LIKE 'pg_%';
    source     |     target     |    function    | castcontext | castmethod 
 jsonb         | bool           | bool           | e           | f
 int4          | bool           | bool           | e           | f
 varchar       | char           | char           | a           | f
 text          | char           | char           | a           | f
 bpchar        | char           | char           | a           | f
 int4          | char           | char           | e           | f
 bpchar        | name           | name           | i           | f
 varchar       | name           | name           | i           | f
 text          | name           | name           | i           | f
 float8        | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regcollation  | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regrole       | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regnamespace  | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 jsonb         | int8           | int8           | e           | f
 regdictionary | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regconfig     | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regtype       | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regclass      | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regoperator   | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regoper       | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regprocedure  | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 numeric       | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 bit           | int8           | int8           | e           | f
 int2          | int8           | int8           | i           | f
 float4        | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 oid           | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 regproc       | int8           | int8           | a           | f
 int4          | int8           | int8           | i           | f
 float4        | int2           | int2           | a           | f
 int4          | int2           | int2           | a           | f
 int8          | int2           | int2           | a           | f
 float8        | int2           | int2           | a           | f
 jsonb         | int2           | int2           | e           | f
 numeric       | int2           | int2           | a           | f
 bit           | int4           | int4           | e           | f
 int8          | int4           | int4           | a           | f
 jsonb         | int4           | int4           | e           | f
 bool          | int4           | int4           | e           | f
 float8        | int4           | int4           | a           | f
 char          | int4           | int4           | e           | f
 float4        | int4           | int4           | a           | f
 int2          | int4           | int4           | i           | f
 numeric       | int4           | int4           | a           | f
 int2          | regproc        | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regproc        | oid            | i           | f
 cidr          | text           | text           | a           | f
 name          | text           | text           | i           | f
 bpchar        | text           | text           | i           | f
 char          | text           | text           | i           | f
 inet          | text           | text           | a           | f
 bool          | text           | text           | a           | f
 int8          | oid            | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | oid            | int4           | i           | f
 xid8          | xid            | xid            | e           | f
 text          | xml            | xml            | e           | f
 bpchar        | xml            | xml            | e           | f
 varchar       | xml            | xml            | e           | f
 circle        | point          | point          | e           | f
 lseg          | point          | point          | e           | f
 box           | point          | point          | e           | f
 polygon       | point          | point          | e           | f
 box           | lseg           | lseg           | e           | f
 polygon       | path           | path           | a           | f
 polygon       | box            | box            | e           | f
 circle        | box            | box            | e           | f
 point         | box            | box            | a           | f
 circle        | polygon        | polygon        | e           | f
 path          | polygon        | polygon        | a           | f
 box           | polygon        | polygon        | a           | f
 inet          | cidr           | cidr           | a           | f
 int4          | float4         | float4         | i           | f
 jsonb         | float4         | float4         | e           | f
 int2          | float4         | float4         | i           | f
 int8          | float4         | float4         | i           | f
 float8        | float4         | float4         | a           | f
 numeric       | float4         | float4         | i           | f
 int4          | float8         | float8         | i           | f
 int8          | float8         | float8         | i           | f
 int2          | float8         | float8         | i           | f
 numeric       | float8         | float8         | i           | f
 float4        | float8         | float8         | i           | f
 jsonb         | float8         | float8         | e           | f
 box           | circle         | circle         | e           | f
 polygon       | circle         | circle         | e           | f
 macaddr       | macaddr8       | macaddr8       | i           | f
 int8          | money          | money          | a           | f
 numeric       | money          | money          | a           | f
 int4          | money          | money          | a           | f
 macaddr8      | macaddr        | macaddr        | i           | f
 bool          | bpchar         | text           | a           | f
 cidr          | bpchar         | text           | a           | f
 inet          | bpchar         | text           | a           | f
 bpchar        | bpchar         | bpchar         | i           | f
 name          | bpchar         | bpchar         | a           | f
 char          | bpchar         | bpchar         | a           | f
 varchar       | varchar        | varchar        | i           | f
 bool          | varchar        | text           | a           | f
 cidr          | varchar        | text           | a           | f
 char          | varchar        | text           | a           | f
 inet          | varchar        | text           | a           | f
 bpchar        | varchar        | text           | i           | f
 name          | varchar        | varchar        | a           | f
 timestamptz   | date           | date           | a           | f
 timestamp     | date           | date           | a           | f
 timetz        | time           | time           | a           | f
 time          | time           | time           | i           | f
 timestamp     | time           | time           | a           | f
 timestamptz   | time           | time           | a           | f
 interval      | time           | time           | a           | f
 timestamptz   | timestamp      | timestamp      | a           | f
 timestamp     | timestamp      | timestamp      | i           | f
 date          | timestamp      | timestamp      | i           | f
 date          | timestamptz    | timestamptz    | i           | f
 timestamp     | timestamptz    | timestamptz    | i           | f
 timestamptz   | timestamptz    | timestamptz    | i           | f
 interval      | interval       | interval       | i           | f
 time          | interval       | interval       | i           | f
 time          | timetz         | timetz         | i           | f
 timestamptz   | timetz         | timetz         | a           | f
 timetz        | timetz         | timetz         | i           | f
 int8          | bit            | bit            | e           | f
 int4          | bit            | bit            | e           | f
 bit           | bit            | bit            | i           | f
 varbit        | varbit         | varbit         | i           | f
 jsonb         | numeric        | numeric        | e           | f
 float8        | numeric        | numeric        | a           | f
 numeric       | numeric        | numeric        | i           | f
 float4        | numeric        | numeric        | a           | f
 int2          | numeric        | numeric        | i           | f
 int8          | numeric        | numeric        | i           | f
 int4          | numeric        | numeric        | i           | f
 money         | numeric        | numeric        | a           | f
 int8          | regprocedure   | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | regprocedure   | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regoper        | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | regoper        | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regoperator    | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | regoperator    | int4           | i           | f
 int2          | regclass       | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regclass       | oid            | i           | f
 varchar       | regclass       | regclass       | i           | f
 text          | regclass       | regclass       | i           | f
 int2          | regtype        | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regtype        | oid            | i           | f
 int8          | regconfig      | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | regconfig      | int4           | i           | f
 int2          | regdictionary  | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regdictionary  | oid            | i           | f
 int8          | regnamespace   | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | regnamespace   | int4           | i           | f
 int2          | regrole        | int4           | i           | f
 int8          | regrole        | oid            | i           | f
 int8          | regcollation   | oid            | i           | f
 int2          | regcollation   | int4           | i           | f
 int4range     | int4multirange | int4multirange | e           | f
 numrange      | nummultirange  | nummultirange  | e           | f
 tsrange       | tsmultirange   | tsmultirange   | e           | f
 tstzrange     | tstzmultirange | tstzmultirange | e           | f
 daterange     | datemultirange | datemultirange | e           | f
 int8range     | int8multirange | int8multirange | e           | f
(160 rows)
mathemancer commented 2 months ago

I do think we need to do some serious work on our casting functionality, including how to handle casting to/from types we don't explicitly support. However, I think we should avoid getting too deep into that before the beta.

We also need to do some product-level rethinking to figure out how to support this. The reason the current casting functions are somewhat restrictive is to provide a level of safety for the user. In your int -> bool example above, the reason we don't allow casting anything but 1 to true is to avoid losing information for the user. If you only cast 1 -> true and 0 -> false, you can always recover the original integers. If you cast all non-zero integers to true, you lose information on the set {0, 1, 2}. With that said, your jsonb -> bool example should be implemented, insofar as we're supporting jsonb. I hope the distinction is clear.