mathesar-foundation / mathesar

Web application providing an intuitive user experience to databases.
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Implement `schemas.add` RPC method #3620

Closed seancolsen closed 2 weeks ago

seancolsen commented 2 weeks ago

Fixes #3619


I went around in circles a bit with this PR, which is why it took a while. I'll describe my thought process chronologically in hopes that it might be useful as these same problems could potentially apply to other DB objects as well...

  1. First I proceeded to remove the if_not_exists parameter from msar.create_schema because I didn't want the additional complexity in there. I wanted to default to not using IF NOT EXISTS for the sake of simplicity. This is in line with comments in this meeting (starting at 21:10) on which @mathemancer and @Anish9901 were supportive. I wanted to raise an exception if the supplied schema name already existed.

  2. But then I noticed that our codebase actually made use of that if_not_exists parameter in a few places for internal schemas and creating ephemeral schemas on the fly for type inference. Ugh!

  3. My initial instinct was to modify the IF NOT EXISTS code locations by resorting to calling raw SQL from within the service layer (instead of calling functions). I had a tricky time figuring out how to do that cleanly with SQLAlchemy. I imagine it's possible, but it didn't seem to fit our patterns, and I didn't want to fiddle with it too much.

  4. After some hemming and hawing, I decided to retain support for if_not_exists, in msar.create_schema while also adding support for setting descriptions on schemas within the same function. This choice sent me down a rabbit hole, making me wish I had trusted my early intuition on if_not_exists more strongly.

  5. The msar.create_schema function got more and more complex as I discovered more edge cases and inconsistencies. If it can return an existing schema, then we need to make sure that NULL description values don't overwrite existing description. Ok fine. Then for the front end's sake, we should actually be fetching and returning the description. Ok. But that means the return value gets much more complex. It should be an object instead of a simple oid. And if it's an object, it ought to match the structure of the objects returned from msar.get_schemas, meaning it should supply a table_count property too. Ugh. So I started modifying msar.get_schemas to accept a sch_oid filter parameter which would allow me to compose that function to reliably get the full schema details in a consistent manner. But then I just threw up my hands and said, "this is ridiculous!"

  6. So I decided to split the function into two:

    • msar.create_schema_if_not_exists(sch_name text)


    • msar.create_schema(sch_name text, description text DEFAULT '')

    This means you can use IF NOT EXISTS OR you can supply a description — but you can't do both at the same time. And at the API layer there's no way to use IF NOT EXISTS.

    This approach has some limitations. But compared to cramming all that logic in one function, it's much simpler and less prone to weird edge cases and bugs.


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