matheusdavidson / angular-cropperjs

CropperJS integration for Angular +6
MIT License
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Default Cropper Options differ from cropperjs defaults #20

Closed DanielEberl closed 1 year ago

DanielEberl commented 6 years ago


Line 121 this.cropperOptions = Object.assign({ aspectRatio, movable: false, scalable: false, zoomable: false, viewMode: 1, checkCrossOrigin: true }, this.cropperOptions);

Why do this options differ from the default config, that is described in the documentation of cropperjs?

I just spend an hour working out why the cropper.zoom() method is not working while rotate works.

Please update all configs to be the same as the original cropperjs libary.

matheusdavidson commented 6 years ago

Hi there, i am currently rewriting the lib with ng6, update coming soon

DanielEberl commented 6 years ago

And by the way, thank you for this library. Maybe my post seemed a bit harsh, sorry for that.

And thank you for your quick response!