mathew-kurian / node-configify

Browserify transform for node-config (aka. config) library
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Support for es6 #5

Closed cantide5ga closed 8 years ago

cantide5ga commented 8 years ago

Wanted to get your take on any caveats with this. I'll open a PR in a bit with this update.

And if you have time, could you explain your thoughts on how adding a parent "Client" key to the JSON structure helps with security? In some contexts, it doesn't make much sense e.g. bundling for server side usage. Is the intent to obfuscate additional configurations?


mathew-kurian commented 8 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the PR. I'll publish it as soon as I get time. In general configs contains server information like private url paths, admin contact info, etc. So, I figured it would be best to not expose this to the client at all - only the properties under the Client key will be exposed. Does that make sense?

cantide5ga commented 8 years ago

Yep, just wanted your thoughts. Thanks for this transformer, very handy!