mathewchris96 / iLoveImg
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Images #5

Open mathewchris96 opened 2 months ago

mathewchris96 commented 2 months ago

Here's a high-level overview of the features and design for the image manipulation website:


Upload Images: Allow users to upload images from their local device. Resize Images: Provide functionality to resize uploaded images to specified dimensions. Conversion: converting from jpg to png Conversion: converting from png to jpg Compress Images: Allow users to compress images to reduce file size. Download Manipulated Images: Provide options to download manipulated images after applying desired modifications. Design and Implementation:

Frontend Design:

Create a clean and user-friendly interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Implement responsive design to ensure compatibility across different devices and screen sizes. Use modern design principles and UI components to enhance user experience. Backend Implementation:

Use Flask, a lightweight Python web framework, to handle server-side logic and routing. Implement routes for uploading images, resizing, cropping, compressing, and downloading manipulated images. Utilize libraries like Pillow (PIL) for image processing tasks such as resizing, cropping, and compression. Folder Structure:

Organize the project into separate folders for better organization and maintainability. Have folders for static files (CSS, JavaScript), HTML templates, and Python backend code (Flask app). Upload Page:

Create an upload page where users can select and upload images. Provide a file input field and a submit button for uploading images. This should then go to a page with manipulation options

Manipulation Options Page:

After uploading images, redirect users to a manipulation options page. Display options for resizing, converting from jpg to png and vice versa and compressing images. Include buttons and dropdowns to select parameters for each manipulation task seperately.

Result Page:

Show the manipulated image and Provide download links on the result page. Include option to download the manipulated images.

Tech Stack:

Flask: Backend web framework for handling server-side logic and routing. HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Frontend languages for building the user interface and adding interactivity. Pillow (PIL): Python Imaging Library for image processing tasks such as resizing, conversion of formats and compression.

testbot-codemonk[bot] commented 2 months ago

Resolving the issue ⏳

testbot-codemonk[bot] commented 2 months ago

Issue is Resolved 🚀
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