mathias / boot-sassc

Sass compiler task for boot 2
Eclipse Public License 1.0
9 stars 8 forks source link

fixed #7

Closed humanitiesNerd closed 9 years ago

humanitiesNerd commented 9 years ago


these are small corrections to the file

This may seem like a small thing but to a newcomer boot is a whole new thing and there is also the transition to boot 2

This is all confusing enough. Stale information in the readme doesn't help !

Please, please, please ! Accept this !

mathias commented 9 years ago

This looks good. Thank you for updating! I've had so little time to work on this that I'm glad someone went and made the README easier to start out with. One quick comment above then we'll get this merged.

Thanks again!

mathias commented 9 years ago

Looks great. Thanks!

humanitiesNerd commented 9 years ago

My pleasure ;-)