mathiasbynens / covid-19-vaccinations-germany

Historical data on COVID-19 vaccination doses administered in Germany, per state.
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Correct and clarify “partially vaccinated” metrics #27

Closed mathiasbynens closed 3 years ago

mathiasbynens commented 3 years ago

Currently, the generated report says something like:

Across all of Germany, 7.35% of inhabitants are fully vaccinated, and 24.67% are at least partially vaccinated.

However, this is wrong. The 24.67% metric reported by the RKI as “begonnene Impfserie” refers to people who received (at least) 1 dose of Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, or AstraZeneca. Notably, it excludes J&J doses.

The real metric people seem to expect is “percentage of people stuck with a needle at least once”. To provide this metric we need to add the J&J doses and then compute the resulting percentages ourselves instead of relying on the RKI-reported numbers.

mathiasbynens commented 3 years ago

In the meantime, I’ve made the charts say:

Across all of Germany, 7.35% of inhabitants are fully vaccinated, and at least 24.67% are at least partially vaccinated.

…with an explanatory tooltip on hover.

mathiasbynens commented 3 years ago

In addition to the RKI-provided initialDosesPercent and finalDosesPercent, I think we should compute our own partiallyVaccinatedPercent (or even separate onlyPartiallyVaccinatedPercent and atLeastPartiallyVaccinatedPercent) and fullyVaccinatedPercent (which === finalDosesPercent) and expose it in the CSV.

mathiasbynens commented 3 years ago

Impfdashboard gets this wrong:

Insgesamt haben 21.562.627 Personen mindestens eine Impf­dosis erhalten.

However, this number refers only to people who received a single dose of Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, or AstraZeneca. It excludes J&J vaccinations. If they wanna stick to the current phrasing, the correct number would be 21,562,627 + 1,011 = 21,563,638 (which is indeed the sum of all our atLeastPartiallyVaccinatedCumulative cells for date=2021-04-28, including the Bund entry).