mathiasbynens / dotfiles

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Add homebrew-cask taps to .brew (it’s Homebrew for `.app`s) #200

Closed mathiasbynens closed 11 years ago

mathiasbynens commented 11 years ago — This can be used to automate installation of .apps!

$ brew tap phinze/homebrew-cask
$ brew install brew-cask
$ brew cask install google-chrome
==> Downloading
==> Success! google-chrome installed to /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome/stable-channel
==> Linking Google to /Users/phinze/Applications/Google

/cc @necolas @cowboy @gf3 @paulirish @sindresorhus @addyosmani who might be interested in this as well

cowboy commented 11 years ago

Are you aware of any repercussions of installing apps into your ~/Applications/ directory?

sindresorhus commented 11 years ago

Been wanting something like this for a long time. Yay. /me run runs away updating my dotfiles

paulirish commented 11 years ago

current list of cask-able apps:

$ brew cask search
adium            daisy-disk       inkscape         notational-velocity      steam
adobe-air        dashlane         instashare           nv-alt           sublime-text
air-server       dia              intellij-community       one-password         surplus-meter
air-video-server     disk-inventory-x     intellij-ultimate    open-office          tagalicious
alfred           divvy            ireadfast        optimal-layout       textadept
anvil            dropbox          irip             p4merge          textmate1
ap-grapher       eclipse          istat-menus          paintbrush           textmate2
app-cleaner      emacs            istopmotion          pandora-jam          textual
app-zapper       enjoy            iterm2           paparazzi            textwrangler
appcode          evernote         jumpcut          path-finder          the-unarchiver
aquamacs         f-lux            justlooking          picard           thunderbird
arq          fantastical          keepass-x        pixen            time-machine-editor
at-monitor       filebot          keka             please-sleep         tor-browser
avidemux         firefox          keyboard-maestro     plex             tor-browser-alpha
back-in-time         firefox-aurora       launch-bar           plex-media-server        totals
bartender        fluid            layervault           postgres         transmission
bettertouchtool      flux             libre-office         propane          transmit
bit-torrent-sync     free-cad         lime-chat        quicksilver          true-crypt
boot-x-changer       gas-mask         little-snitch        racket           tunewiki
brackets         gephi            livestation          rdio             tvmobili
burn             gfxcardstatus        macvim           ringtones            u-torrent
caffeine         gimp             mailplane        ripit            ukelele
camino           github           makemkv          rubymine         unetbootin
candybar         gitx             menu-bar-filter      scrivener            vagrant
cfxr             gitx-l           menu-meters          scrup            vienna-rss
changes          gmail-notifr         meteorologist        seashore         vine-server
chicken          gnucash          miro             sequel-pro           virtualbox
chocolat         google-chrome        miro-video-converter     shortcat         vlc
chromium         google-chrome-canary     money            sigil            wav-tap
clarify          google-notifier      moom             simple-comic         woodhouse
clean-my-mac         handbrake        mou              size-up          x-quartz
clip-menu        handbrakebatch       mplayer-osx-extended     skitch           xbmc
coconutbattery       hands-off        mplayerx         skype            xld
codekit          hip-chat         mu-commander         slate            xscope
colloquy         hiss             mumble           sourcetree           xtra-finder
cord             i-stumbler       name-changer         sparrow          you-need-a-budget
cura             imagealpha       namemangler          spectacle            zooom
cyberduck        imageoptim       net-spot         spotify
mathiasbynens commented 11 years ago

@paulirish You can view the same list here (useful if you need to look anything up in their formula’s source code):

mathiasbynens commented 11 years ago

@cowboy Not sure, but I’d rather “install” them into my /Applications directory anyway, like other apps: brew cask install --appdir="/Applications" foo.

(“Install” because homebrew-cask installs everything into /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/, and simply adds shortcuts to ~/Applications (default) or /Applications.)

hkdobrev commented 11 years ago

Are you aware of any repercussions of installing apps into your ~/Applications/ directory?

@cowboy The only downside about symlinking apps I've found is that some apps ask you on start if you want to move the app to /Applications. For example the GitHub app and Sequel Pro asked me about that. The problem if you click yes is that there is already a symlink there and it becomes kind of a mess.

Fortunately there is a checkbox to never ask you about that again.