mathiasbynens / dotfiles

:wrench: .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
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Don't use these files on Mojave! #884

Closed itinance closed 5 years ago

itinance commented 5 years ago

It's obviously deprecated and should be declared as such.

I spend a whole day to install all tools on a new Macbook pro including node and Homebrew and all such things. Everything worked. Then (way to late I guess) I applied the dotfiles. Nothing is working anymore. Node doesn't find anything. "npm install xxx" will give "xxx not found". Same with Homebrew.

Even a bash-shell can't be opened any more. Any ideas?

lucifer commented 5 years ago

This just sounds like your Node environment needs a bit of attention. Starting from scratch is really not necessary.

itinance commented 5 years ago

$ echo $PATH /usr/local/Cellar/:/Users/hagen/bin:/Users/hagen/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

$ git clone -bash: /usr/local/bin/git: No such file or directory

Nothing out of /usr/local/bin can be reached any more, although its in the PATH

itinance commented 5 years ago

Opening a new shell:

bash: /usr/local/bin/bash: No such file or directory bash: line 0: exec: /usr/local/bin/bash: cannot execute: No such file or directory

mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

itinance commented 5 years ago

I was my own fork that always worked well (unless I used it on a new Mojave installation).

Any ideas, why /usr/local/bin/bash can't be found in a new shell although it can be found in a current active shell?

mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

I heard that the upcoming macOS version switches to zsh over bash by default. This might have something to do with that? Either way, I haven't played with Mojave yet so I cannot really help here.

tagliala commented 5 years ago

I'm using most of these files on Mojave 10.14.5 without any issue. I've used them both on an upgraded installation and a fresh one

FWIW, I'm not using .macos or .osx by my personal choice, so I don't know if the problem is there

jeffbyrnes commented 5 years ago

I can confirm @tagliala’s experience; I’ve been on Mojave since it was released, using my fork of these dot files, and they work fine. I also, however, don’t run the .macos script, though I used to.

I’m sure they’ll need some work once zsh becomes the default shell in macOS 10.15, though I’m planning on probably sticking with bash myself.

jeffbyrnes commented 5 years ago

@itinance as for not finding /usr/local/bin/bash in a new shell, that sounds like your $PATH isn’t being set early enough? Seems odd, that… you can take a look at how I scripted my initial Brew setup here:

lucifer commented 5 years ago

To be fair @jeffbyrnes has done some great work on here of late. Thanks Jeff! I'm running fine on 10.14.5 (18F132) after obviously removing things I don't want or need.

lucifer commented 5 years ago

@itinance as for not finding /usr/local/bin/bash in a new shell, that sounds like your $PATH isn’t being set early enough? Seems odd, that… you can take a look at how I scripted my initial Brew setup here:


itinance commented 5 years ago

Many thanks to @jeffbyrnes! I switched to and it works brilliant.

One of my issue was, that somehow the base shell was changed to /usr/local/bin/bash without any /usr/local/bin/bash existing. And somehow issues with $PATH after installation.

jeffbyrnes commented 5 years ago

That would definitely cause you some trouble. Glad my fork helped you out!

itinance commented 5 years ago

And as a second step, I solved the node-issues with this line:

npm config set prefix /usr/local

After installing the dotfiles, this config must have been wrong somehow, that no global installed node-based tool was working any more. With this setting everything was repaired around this.