mathics / Mathics

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Run command not supported #175

Open sn6uv opened 10 years ago

sn6uv commented 10 years ago

The ability to launch external commands, would be a nice addition

For example:

In[1]:= !python -c "print(1+1)"

This requires implementing the Run command [1] and adding some a special input rule to the frontend.


mrshu commented 10 years ago

@sn6uv This looks very interesting.

Do you think I could handle this?

sn6uv commented 10 years ago

@mrshu, yes I think so.

I'm not completely sure what will be required to get this working cross-platform, but if you use the subprocess module it should be okay.

As always, let me know if you need help.

mrshu commented 10 years ago


A few unsorted notes

sn6uv commented 10 years ago
In[1]:= Run["pwd"]

Out[1]= 0

In[2]:= Run["du", "-sh"]    (* Cancelled because it takes to long *)
Out[2]= 2

In[3]:= Run["cat", ""]
print 1 + 1

Out[3]= 0

In[4]:= Run["python2", ""]

Out[4]= 0

In[5]:= Run["ipython2"]   (* Launches an interactive program *)
Python 2.7.5 (default, Sep  6 2013, 09:55:21) 
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IPython 1.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
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In [1]: 1+4
Out[1]: 5

In [2]: print("abc")

In [3]: 
Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? 

Out[5]= 0
rocky commented 3 years ago

This is implemented in mathicsscript since 1.1.2. See

TiagoCavalcante commented 2 years ago

@rocky @mmatera already implemented in Mathics CLI too.