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Mirror list statuses #2

Closed jaycech3n closed 8 years ago

jaycech3n commented 8 years ago

I think I have the status list update thingy working, subject to two things that need to be done on the end:

  1. access-control-allow-origin header set to allow anyone to access, and
  2. I need the format of the above JSON file changed a little, it should contain a single object with key-value pairs <string mirror url> : <bool status>.

Otherwise everything should be set. I tweaked the CSS to align the status images too.

sn6uv commented 8 years ago

Looks really good.

I just added the CORS headers and edited that file. Both mirrors are displaying a cross though.

Also, it seems to make 2 requests to that json object per page load?


Edit: also set up a cron job to run every 5 mins to refresh the file.