mathielo / dst-dedicated-server

Don't Starve Together dedicated server guide for all platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows) with Docker. Extensive documentation covering mods installation, server config and performance, world generation and setting up admins.
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Help with clean shutdown command #13

Open Molorius opened 5 years ago

Molorius commented 5 years ago

Host OS: Arch Linux Local Computer

This isn't an issue so much as a help request. I am starting my server using systemd, but want to be able to cleanly close it without attaching to the docker session and sending 'c_shutdown()'. You can't do a simple docker exec because it's part of an interactive shell, not a direct command. I found this possible solution, so I sent:

echo "c_shutdown()" | docker attach dst_master

But I get the error:

the input device is not a TTY

I'm not familiar with docker, is there another way I can pipe the command into the session?

mathielo commented 5 years ago

Hey @Molorius I tried some ideas but unfortunately didn't manage to make it work. I remember this is something I wanted to implement long ago, i.e. create a script that would do a clean shutdown saving the game, but never got it to work.

docker attach seems a bit limited as it works only in a very specific way (interactively). Tried with docker exec, which spawns another process in the container (e.g. another bash), but couldn't attach tty or send the c_shutdown() signal to the running proccess, dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.

What I usually do when playing is to manually shut it down if I'm the last player to leave through the game console directly. It's still a manual process, but quicker.

Let's leave the issue open, if we ever come around a solution we can share it here as I believe more people would benefit from it :nerd_face:

Molorius commented 5 years ago

I got it to work using socat.

echo "c_shutdown()" | socat EXEC:"docker attach dst_master",pty STDIO

By putting that in a "" script, I also got a working systemd file:

Description=Don't Starve Together Server

User={user you want starting this container}
WorkingDirectory={your working directory here}
ExecStart=docker-compose up -d
