Unable to create/update namespace my-sample-app-pr-125: failed to create namespace: namespaces is forbidden: User "111680867280697573009" cannot create resource "namespaces" in API group "" at the cluster scope: requires one of ["container.namespaces.create"] permission(s).
Errors details
### Errors details:
"apiVersion": "entity.humanitec.io/v1b1",
"entity": {},
"kind": "DeploymentError",
"metadata": {
"app_id": "my-sample-app",
"deploy_id": "17d17d79a0ae2725",
"env_id": "pr-125",
"org_id": "mabenoit"
"status": {
"code": "K8S-002",
"error_type": "",
"message": "Unable to create/update namespace my-sample-app-pr-125: failed to create namespace: namespaces is forbidden: User \"111680867280697573009\" cannot create resource \"namespaces\" in API group \"\" at the cluster scope: requires one of [\"container.namespaces.create\"] permission(s).",
"object_id": "",
"scope": "environment",
"summary": "Cluster permissions error"
Deployment failed for PR-125! :x:
Errors details
### Errors details: ```json [ { "apiVersion": "entity.humanitec.io/v1b1", "entity": {}, "kind": "DeploymentError", "metadata": { "app_id": "my-sample-app", "deploy_id": "17d17d79a0ae2725", "env_id": "pr-125", "org_id": "mabenoit" }, "status": { "code": "K8S-002", "error_type": "", "message": "Unable to create/update namespace my-sample-app-pr-125: failed to create namespace: namespaces is forbidden: User \"111680867280697573009\" cannot create resource \"namespaces\" in API group \"\" at the cluster scope: requires one of [\"container.namespaces.create\"] permission(s).", "object_id": "", "scope": "environment", "summary": "Cluster permissions error" } } ] ```View in Humanitec
Deployment ID: 17d17d79a0ae2725
Deployment diff
### Deployment diff: ```json { "modules": { "add": null, "remove": [], "update": { "my-sample-workload": [ { "from": "", "op": "add", "path": "/externals/route", "value": { "class": "default", "params": { "host": "${externals.dns.host}", "path": "/", "port": 8080 }, "type": "route" } }, { "from": "", "op": "add", "path": "/externals/dns", "value": { "class": "default", "type": "dns" } }, { "from": "", "op": "replace", "path": "/spec/containers/my-sample-container/image", "value": "us-east4-docker.pkg.dev/mathieu-benoit-gcp/containers/my-sample-app@sha256:1efc2e3e4e84428475ecc5d56afbd0ab37d7bee912feb9c785a3d59702ad30a6" }, { "from": "", "op": "replace", "path": "/spec/containers/my-sample-container/variables/MESSAGE", "value": "Hello, Humanitec!" }, { "from": "", "op": "replace", "path": "/spec/annotations/humanitec.io~1workload-source", "value": "https://github.com/mathieu-benoit/sail-sharp/blob/mathieu-benoit-patch-1/score/score.yaml" } ] } }, "shared": null } ```