mathieudutour / github-tag-action

A Github Action to automatically bump and tag master, on merge, with the latest SemVer formatted version. Works on any platform.
MIT License
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Possibility to customise issueUrlFormat #182

Open luber opened 1 year ago

luber commented 1 year ago

Hi, Would it be nice to add the possibility to customise issueUrlFormat of semantic-release/release-notes-generator? It looks like it can be done by setting it via .releaserc, but looks like this file is not respected:

  "plugins": [
    ["@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", {
      "preset": "conventionalcommits"
    ["@semantic-release/release-notes-generator", {
      "preset": "conventionalcommits",
      "presetConfig": {
        "issuePrefixes": ['AB#'],
        "issueUrlFormat": '${REPLACE_WITH_ORGANIZATION_NAME}/${REPLACE_WITH_PROJECT_NAME}/_workitems/edit/{{id}}'