mathieudutour / github-tag-action

A Github Action to automatically bump and tag master, on merge, with the latest SemVer formatted version. Works on any platform.
MIT License
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Major bump create bump patch instead #194

Closed Jerome1337 closed 9 months ago

Jerome1337 commented 9 months ago

We use the action to bump major version.

Here is the configuration inside the workflow

- name: Create New Tag
  id: tag
  uses: mathieudutour/github-tag-action@v6.1
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    default_bump: "major"

BUT the actions created a patch tag instead

Run mathieudutour/github-tag-action@v6.1
Previous tag was v213.0.0, previous version was 213.0.0.


Analysis of [37]( commits complete: patch release
New version is 213.0.1.
New tag after applying prefix is v213.0.1.

Everything was working before 🤔

mathieudutour commented 9 months ago

before what? The action hasn't changed for a while

Jerome1337 commented 9 months ago

The action created a patch, as mentioned above, then created major. I don't now why 🤷 I'm closing since it seems to be a weird unknown behavior.