"[Ecto.ParameterizedType] Parameterized types are now represented internally as {:parameterized, {mod, state}}. While this representation is private, projects may have been relying on it, and therefore they need to adapt accordingly. Use Ecto.ParameterizedType.init/2 to instantiate parameterized types."
Changelog: https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#potential-incompatibilities
"[Ecto.ParameterizedType] Parameterized types are now represented internally as {:parameterized, {mod, state}}. While this representation is private, projects may have been relying on it, and therefore they need to adapt accordingly. Use Ecto.ParameterizedType.init/2 to instantiate parameterized types."
I think it breaks here: https://github.com/mathieuprog/polymorphic_embed/blob/68e54e0df69da37bc48bdc160c77579a59adbdb1/lib/polymorphic_embed.ex#L710
{:parameterized, {mod, state}}
vs{:parameterized, mod, state}