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typos in bios.yaml #90

Closed jsuccari closed 4 years ago

jsuccari commented 4 years ago

al-haytham: born: 965 died: 1050 name: Al-Haytham bio: | Hasan Ibn al-Haytham (أبو علي، الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم, c. 965 – 1050) lived in Cairo during the Islamic Golden Age, and studied mathematics, physics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine. He was a proponent of the scientific method: the belief that any a scientific hypothesis must be verified using experiments or mathematical logic – centuries before European scientists during the Renaissance. ...

should read as follows:

al-haytham: born: 965 died: 1050 name: Al-Haytham bio: | Hasan Ibn al-Haytham (أبو علي، الحسن بن الحسن بن الهيثم, c. 965 – 1050) lived in Cairo during the Islamic Golden Age, and studied mathematics, physics, astronomy, philosophy , and medicine. He was a proponent of the scientific method: the belief that any a scientific hypothesis must be verified using experiments or mathematical logic – centuries before European scientists during the Renaissance.

al-karaji: born: 953 died: 1029 name: Al-Karaji bio: Muhammad Al-Karaji (ابو بکر محمد بن الحسن الکرجی, c. 953 – 1029) was a Persian mathematician and engineer. He was the first person to use prove by induction, which allowed him to prove the binomial theorem. links:

Should read as follows:

al-karaji: born: 953 died: 1029 name: Al-Karaji bio: Muhammad Al-Karaji (ابو بکر محمد بن الحسن الکرجی, c. 953 – 1029) was a Persian mathematician and engineer. He was the first person to use proof by induction, which allowed him to prove the binomial theorem. links:

al-khwarizmi: born: 780 died: 850 name: Al-Khwarizmi overflow: true bio: | The Persian mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi (محمد بن موسى الخوارزمي‎, 780 – 850) lived during the golden age of the Muslim Abbasid regime in Baghdad. He worked at the “House of Wisdom”, which contained the first large collection of academic books since the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

Al-Khwarizmi has been called the “**father** of algebra” – in fact, the word

Should read as follows:

al-khwarizmi: born: 780 died: 850 name: Al-Khwarizmi overflow: true bio: | The Persian mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi (محمد بن موسى الخوارزمي‎, 780 – 850) lived during the golden age of the Muslim Abbasid regime in Baghdad. He worked at the “House of Wisdom”, which contained the first large collection of academic books since the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

Al-Khwarizmi has been called the “**Father** of algebra” – in fact, the word

**This one comes up a lot. "Father of ....". In some cases, "Father is capitalized. IN other cases, it without quotes. Not sure if you want to standardize on a style.

It comes up with:**

  1. Al-Khwarizmi
  2. Aristotle
  3. Babbage
  4. Democritus
  5. Desargues
  6. Descartes
  7. Euclid
  8. Galileo
  9. Monge
  10. Shannon
  11. Turing

Other typos:

cardano: born: 1501 died: 1576 name: Cardano bio: | The Italian Gerolamo Cardano (1501 – 1576) was one of the most influential mathematicians and scientists of the Renaissance. He investigated hypocycloids, published Tartaglia’s and Ferrari’s solution for cubic and quartic equations, was the first European to systematically use negative numbers, and even acknowledged the existing of imaginary numbers (based on sqrt(-1)).

Cardano also made some early progress in probability theory and introduced binomial coefficients and binomial theorem to Europe. He invented many
mechanical devices, including combination locks, gyroscopes with three
degrees of freedom, and drive shafts (or Cardan shafts) that are still used
in vehicles today.


Should read as follows:

cardano: born: 1501 died: 1576 name: Cardano bio: | The Italian Gerolamo Cardano (1501 – 1576) was one of the most influential mathematicians and scientists of the Renaissance. He investigated hypercycloids, published Tartaglia’s and Ferrari’s solution for cubic and quartic equations, was the first European to systematically use negative numbers, and even acknowledged the existence of imaginary numbers (based on sqrt(-1)).

Cardano also made some early progress in probability theory and introduced
binomial coefficients and **the** binomial theorem to Europe. He invented many mechanical devices, including combination locks, gyroscopes with three degrees of freedom, and drive shafts (or Cardan shafts) that are still used in vehicles today.


cauchy: born: 1789 died: 1857 name: Cauchy small: true bio: | Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789 – 1857) was a French mathematician and physicist. He contributed to a wide range of areas in mathematics, and dozens of theorems and named after him. ....... Should read as follows:

cauchy: born: 1789 died: 1857 name: Cauchy small: true bio: | Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789 – 1857) was a French mathematician and physicist. He contributed to a wide range of areas in mathematics, and dozens of theorems are named after him.


cavalieri: name: Cavalieri born: 1598 died: 1647 bio: | Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598 – 1647) was an Italian mathematician and monk. He developed a precursor to infinitesimal calculus, and is remembered for Cavalieri’s principle to find the volume of solids in geometry.

Cavalieri also worked **optics and motion, introduction logarithms to Italy,**
and exchanged many letters with Galileo Galilei.


Should read as follows:

cavalieri: name: Cavalieri born: 1598 died: 1647 bio: | Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598 – 1647) was an Italian mathematician and monk. He developed a precursor to infinitesimal calculus, and is remembered for Cavalieri’s principle to find the volume of solids in geometry.

Cavalieri also worked **in** optics and motion, **introduced** logarithms to Italy,
and exchanged many letters with Galileo Galilei.


diophantus: born: 200 died: 284 name: Diophantus overflow: true bio: | Diophantus was a Hellenistic mathematician who lived in Alexandria. Most of his works are about solving polynomial equations with several unknowns. These are now called Diophantine equation and remain an an important area of research today.

It was while reading one of Diophantus’ books, many centuries later, that
_Pierre de Fermat_ proposed one of these equations had no solution. This became known as “Fermat’s Last Theorem”, and was only solved in 1994.

Should read as follows:

diophantus: born: 200 died: 284 name: Diophantus overflow: true bio: | Diophantus was a Hellenistic mathematician who lived in Alexandria. Most of his works are about solving polynomial equations with several unknowns. These are now called Diophantine equations and remain an an important area of research today.

It was while reading one of Diophantus’ books, many centuries later, that
_Pierre de Fermat_ proposed one of these equations had no solution. This became known as “Fermat’s Last Theorem”, and was only solved in 1994.

fuller: name: Fuller bio: Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (1895 – 1983) was an American architect, designer and inventor. He is famous for constructing geodesic dome – large, spherical structures. Similar looking Carbon molecules, the fullerenes, were later named after him.

Should read as follows:

fuller: name: Fuller born: 1895 died: 1983 bio: Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (1895 – 1983) was an American architect, designer and inventor. He is famous for constructing geodesic dome – large, spherical structures. Similar looking carbon molecules, the fullerenes, were later named after him.


**While still in his teens, Galois proved that there is no general solution for polynomial equations of degree five or higher – simultaneously with Niels Abel.** At the age of 21, Galois was shot in a duel (some say a feud over a woman), and later died of his wounds. **In** the night before his death, he summarised his mathematical discoveries in a letter to a friend. It would take other mathematicians many years to fully realise the true impact of his work. could read: **While still in his teens, Galois, along with Niels Abel, proved that there is no general solution for polynomial equations of degree five or higher.** At the age of 21, Galois was shot in a duel (some say a feud over a woman), and later died of his wounds. **On** the night before his death, he summarised his mathematical discoveries in a letter to a friend. It would take other mathematicians many years to fully realise the true impact of his work. planck: name: Plank bio: __Max Plank__ (1858 – 1947) was a German physicist and one of the original developers of Quantum Mechanics – for which received the Nobel Prize in 1918. Should read as follows: planck: name: Plank **born: 1858** **died: 1947** bio: __Max Plank__ (1858 – 1947) was a German physicist and one of the original developers of Quantum Mechanics – for which *he*( received the Nobel Prize in 1918.
plegner commented 4 years ago

Fixed in Note that we only include born/died keys for mathematicians that appear in the timeline, e.g. not physicists like Plank.

jsuccari commented 4 years ago

Makes sense. Thanks, @plegner