mathisonian / gulp-sass-bulk-import

gulp task to allow importing directories in your SCSS
MIT License
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Support for the ruby sass plugin #2

Open dechowdev opened 9 years ago

dechowdev commented 9 years ago

Right now when I'm compiling using the ruby sass (gulp plugin). I get this error:

error main.scss (Line 98: File to import not found or unreadable: layout/**/*.

This is my pipe (extracted)

      compass: true,
      loadPath: ['assets/scss/modules', 'assets/scss/components', 'assets/scss/layout']

Do you not support the Ruby Sass plugin ? Im loading my gulp plugins using the gulp-load-plugins plugin (hence the plugins.sassBulkImport)

Best Lucas Dechow

joelpittet commented 9 years ago

If you are using ruby sass there is no need to use this. Just use sass-globbing gem?