mathjax / MathJax-node

MathJax for Node
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[SVG] equation labels causes to smaller output #333

Closed pkra closed 7 years ago

pkra commented 7 years ago

Originally reported at

Adding a label makes the equation appear to be noticeably smaller (as if the font-size was smaller).


var mjAPI = require("./lib/main.js");


var one = '\\begin{equation} e^{\\pi i} + 1 = 0 \\end{equation}';
var two = '\\begin{equation*} e^{\\pi i} + 1 = 0 \\end{equation*}'

    math: one,
    format: "TeX",
    htmlNode: true,
    html: true,
    svg: true,
    equationNumbers: "AMS"
}, function (data) {

    math: two,
    format: "TeX",
    htmlNode: true,
    html: true,
    svg: true,
    equationNumbers: "AMS"
}, function (data) {


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<title id="MathJax-SVG-1-Title">\begin{equation*} e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0 \end{equation*}</title>
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dpvc commented 7 years ago

In MathJax, because the em and ex sizes are approximations (determined empirically), full-width equations are hard to handle properly; if the ex-size is a little too big, then the width of the full-width equation could be slightly too wide for its container, causing scroll bars on the container when there should be any. So MathJax adds a max-width style in pixels (not ex) to prevent that.

In mathjax-node, the width and ex-size are set by the configuration rather than measuring the actual location in the page, so these values have to be set properly for the page you are using in order for that to work properly. The default ex-size is 6 pixels, but that might not match the ex size of the font used in your page (the default font in my browser appears to have an ex of about 8.72 pixels). So that means the max-width is likely to cause full-width equations to be restricted to an unusually small width, forcing the equation to be scaled down.

So there are two possible solutions: first, use the proper ex-size and width in the configuration. Alternatively, you could remove the min-width style after the fact. For example,

    math: one,
    format: "TeX",
    svg: true,
    equationNumbers: "AMS"
}, function (data) {
    console.log(data.svg.replace(/ max-width: [^;"]*/,''));

in your code above.

pkra commented 7 years ago

As per F2F, this is a won't fix. SVG is simply limited this way.

The workaround is one option, fixing an ex height or using custom configurations (e.g., left-aligned display equations + labels on the left) is another way to handle this.