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Get MathJax hosted at TranslateWiki #493

Closed mattflaschen closed 10 years ago

mattflaschen commented 11 years ago

As mentioned at , both the MathJax devs and the MediaWiki translator community want MathJax to be translatable on

This can be a coordination issue for that.

nemobis commented 11 years ago

JS is supported, so the format should require minor changes at most: Things you could start with: 1) decide a localisation point of contact who will handle the issues reported by translators (like unclear messages, missing docs etc.), 2) give push access to @siebrand and @nikerabbit, 3) create message documentation, preferably under fake language code qqq: without it, your strings are effectively untranslatable; eventually all strings need to have their documentation. , 4) add plural support (not strictly required, but you said to be interested). Answers were given to MathJax questions about 3-4 at

nemobis commented 11 years ago

To clarify, @nikerabbit tells me the MathJax team should open a request for addition to at (as said in the docs).

fred-wang commented 11 years ago

FYI, we tried to design the language data so that they are compatible with the TranslateWiki formats and Peter also wanted to make this available on Transifex (I think Davide mentioned YAML that is available in both translation platforms, but I don't know if the decision was definitive and whether he started to work on this). We support some things we needed for MathJax like plural rules, localization of numbers or setting font/directionality for a given language. We didn't work on the "localization note" format yet, I think Davide just added some comments in the English data for the moment. Adding a qqq language should be relatively easy but I'm not sure if all the strings have a description yet and whether the descriptions are accurate enough. For details, see

Regarding the communication with the translatewiki folks and opening a request, I think Peter already started to do so and could probably say what the current status is.

pkra commented 11 years ago

@mattflaschen @nemobis @nikerabbit thanks for this. I've opened a discussion (just FYI, it was not clear to me from the Translate Wiki docs that this is the right way to go about things so I tried IRC and email first with little success).

re 1) that would be me. But of course, Davide and Fred will be just as good to answer questions. re 2) I'll have to formally check with the MathJax Consortium regarding push access, but that won't be a problem. Just give me a few days. re 3) Have you looked at the comments in the en locale files? They aren't complete but I added comments to those strings that are not self-explanatory (well, that was the idea anyway, but of course it's likely I considered things self-explanatory that aren't :( ) re 4) we already have plural support, see the links Fred posted. Is it sufficient?

fred-wang commented 11 years ago

Some update on the localization status in MathJax:

First, note that we plan to release a MathJax 2.3 release this summer that will improve font support. I may continue a bit to work on i18n this tomorrow but will focus on font support starting from next week. This week I've fixed some i18n bugs, created qqq documentation and integrated the Brazilian translation you contributed. As previously said, plural rules is already supported but it turned out that we don't use it yet anyway. I'll wait for Davide to review my changes but in the meantime, I've merged them in a new i18n branch:

Peter will be the localization point of contact. He created a new MathJax-i18n repository and gave you commit access: I've just pushed a basic converter from our format to your JSON jquery.i18n format as well as the current data for de, en, fr, it, pt-bz and qqq. This repository will be the place where you'll take our strings to translate and where you'll commit new translations. We will take care of converting them back to our format and integrating them to our MathJax repository following our usual release process. However, I'm sure you want to integrate new translations in MediaWiki without waiting for us to release a new version. Hence I plan to write a converter JSON jquery.i18n => MathJax localization data and add a command to pack them via the YUI compressor. But as I said, I need to focus on the MathJax 2.3 release first, so I'm not sure when I'll come back to this.

Some remarks:

I think that addresses all the requests you've made so far but please let us know if everything sounds good to you.


fred-wang commented 11 years ago

Similarly, we also use a couple of new lines "\n" in some of the alert dialogs. The qqq documentation explains that this means new lines. Perhaps that's not convenient and we could split these strings in the future.

So I first considered exposing the new lines as an actual "backslash N" string to localizers. But it turned out that it is conflicting with the LaTeX commands e.g. "\newcommand" and I don't want to force localizers to write "\" for every backslash. So a the moment, I've left the new lines in the strings. I don't know how they will appear in TranslateWiki and that's probably not convenient for localizers. Let us know what's the best option for you and I'll adapt the code. But removing some useless new lines and splitting the strings otherwise seems best to me...

pkra commented 11 years ago

@nemobis IIUC the ball is back in your court :) what's the next step?

nemobis commented 11 years ago

@pkra newlines are not a problem; I don't know about next steps, @siebrand is the reviewer, decision maker and anything so you'll have to wait for him. I updated the status on the TWN request.

pkra commented 11 years ago

Thanks, @nemobis!

fred-wang commented 11 years ago

I've updated the localization data again to include a metadata field:

Hopefully, the format can now be integrated in TranslateWiki.

pkra commented 11 years ago

I'm wondering where issues should be posted. Here or on the i18n repository?

Since it always takes me forever to find this:

fred-wang commented 11 years ago

I guess new issues with the localization data (typo and corrections, integration of new languages) should go on the MathJax-i18n repository now, since this will be used as the reference point. I'll use #530 to import the changes back to the MathJax repository before the release.

Issues with the MathJax localization code itself should continue to be list on that tracker.

pkra commented 11 years ago


fred-wang commented 10 years ago

Apparently, there is still no progress on the TranslateWiki side... It would be best to announce a TranslateWiki interface at the same time as the MathJax v2.3 release, but otherwise we might consider removing this from the 2.3 milestone...

pkra commented 10 years ago

I've poked them again.

pkra commented 10 years ago

We're now hosted (yay!) but a few things remain. Snippets from IRC

(09:20:38 AM) Nikerabbit: pkrautzberger: the one thing still missing is page like this for MathJax (09:21:52 AM) Nikerabbit: pkrautzberger: you have an account right? You can just create it

(09:22:24 AM) Nikerabbit: you can steal the standard elements form the source of

(09:23:36 AM) Nikerabbit: your id is out-mathjax-0-all and namespace is 1258

(09:25:03 AM) Nikerabbit: I also uploaded one of your badge images locally which is displayed in the group selector here:

(09:28:22 AM) Nikerabbit: pkrautzberger: hmm and what else... oh right we should do an export to see that the output is okay for you (09:34:53 AM) Nikerabbit: pkrautzberger: here is quick example export diff (09:35:54 AM) Nikerabbit: pkrautzberger: there is lot of -/+ because of indentation and unicode escaping, but that would only happen for the first export

fred-wang commented 10 years ago

@nikerabbit Thanks. If the changes are only indentation level and unicode escaping, that should be ok. (actually they are also escaped in MathJax but I unescaped them in the JSON files because @mattflaschen said that was not convenient to read). Please commit your new format to MathJax-i18n. It should already be possible to convert the data to MathJax's format and I'll only need to modify the script that converts back to JSON files.

fred-wang commented 10 years ago

I've imported the JSON data to MathJax-i18n and updated the converter so that it uses exactly the same format:

I'm closing this issue, since it is now fixed.

pkra commented 10 years ago

Thanks everyone who's been involved in getting this done -- great job!