mathnet / mathnet-numerics

Math.NET Numerics
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Sparse MapIndexedInplace starts with incorrect indices #1045

Open jellezult opened 8 months ago

jellezult commented 8 months ago

The following test fails when using MapIndexedInplace on a sparse matrix with the Zeros.AllowSkip option. Somehow the iteration starts of with i=0, j=1 as indices.

public void Sparse_MapIndexedInplace_AllowSkipZeros_Bug()

    int nRows = 3;
    int nCols = 1;
    Matrix<float> data = Matrix<float>.Build.Sparse(nRows, nCols, 42);

    data.MapIndexedInplace((i, j, v) =>
        return Math.Abs(v);
    }, Zeros.AllowSkip);