mathnet / mathnet-numerics

Math.NET Numerics
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The MathNet.Numerics.Providers.MKL.Signed nuget package depends on MathNet.Numerics #928

Open ToGoOrNotToGo opened 2 years ago

ToGoOrNotToGo commented 2 years ago

The MathNet.Numerics.Providers.MKL.Signed nuget package depends on MathNet.Numerics instead of MathNet.Numerics.Signed.

misulo commented 2 years ago

To add to this, the MathNet.Numerics.MKL.Win-x64.3.0.0.nupkg is depending on the MathNet.Numerics.Providers.MKL. But if I want to use the strong named version, this is a little bit of a problem ... I don't know how to solve this though. It probably makes zero sense to enter both the strong named and the non strong named packages as dependencies. Previous packages had no dependency.

Any help would be appreciated.

cdrnet commented 1 year ago

Looks like .Signed packages are no longer properly depending on the .Signed variants of their dependencies since 5.0.0-alpha08. This is certainly not intended, I'll have a look.

willianwrm commented 3 months ago

Having the same problem; looking at the .nuspec file the MKL.Signed depends on the not signed package... I did rebuild the package (local) changing it to the signed one and it's now working.

Changed all: <dependency id="MathNet.Numerics" version="5.0.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />


<dependency id="MathNet.Numerics.Signed" version="5.0.0" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />