mathnet / mathnet-spatial

Math.NET Spatial
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Point3D encapsulation of knowledge #101

Open Jones-Adam opened 6 years ago

Jones-Adam commented 6 years ago

Propose to remove the IntersectionOf, MirrorAbout, ProjectOn methods from Point3D.

These methods require that the fundamental type point should have knowledge of higher order structures like Ray and Plane. Structurally these methods are better placed on the higher order classes rather than point3D

RiSearcher commented 6 years ago

How do you plan to distinguish between Point.MirrorAbout.Plane and Plane.MirrorAbout.Point?

Jones-Adam commented 6 years ago

I understand finding the mirror of a point on the opposite side of a plane. For which I would expect its signature to be myplane.MirrorPoint(Point3D point);

What would mirroring a plane about a point mean? a point doesn't have an opposite side, so I'm not quite following what this should be understood as?

RiSearcher commented 6 years ago

Reflection operation could be performed about point, line or plane. And it is three different operations. Reflection about point also called central inversion.

Jones-Adam commented 6 years ago

Thanks didn't know that From

In three dimensions, a point reflection can be described as a 180-degree rotation composed with reflection across a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation

So as I understand it, you would want to do generically

shape.MirrorAbout(Point3D point)
shape.MirrorAbout(Line3D line)
shape.MirrorAbout(Plane plane)

where shape could be a point, a line, a plane, a shape?

I wonder if this is not better supported by providing matrix transforms rather specific operations per type:

shape.ApplyTransform(Matrix m)

RiSearcher commented 6 years ago

Well, yes. I would expect that good library will support all three methods for every shape. The question is how rich and complete API you plan to support in "Math.NET Spatial".

Not all reflections can be described through matrix transforms.

Jones-Adam commented 6 years ago

Well the answer to that has as much to do with people contributing to the library as it does API design. If you want feel free to join us on Gitter Also if you have the time, it would be great if you could put together a list of operations you would expect to be standard on every shape?

RiSearcher commented 6 years ago

Usually I provide next methods for every geometrical primitive: translate, rotate about point, reflect about point, line and plane. Scaling (for finite objects) probably would be good too, but I haven't implemented it yet.