I am trying to use the library to parse and the execute some math channels in my C# project. It works very well, but I receive an "not supported" exception which is very slow.
Having looked into the equation and data I have isolated it to effectively a sqrt(1/0) call that is causing the exception.
fpower in the Evaluate module is being used for the division. This is returning PosInf for the 1/0 call and then this is not matched for the sqrt call.
I have found two options for how to remove the exception:
1) modify the Evaluate to return Undef if a divide by zero is found.
2) modify the Evaluate to handle PosInf as a match case
For my immediate problem, I have modified the fpower as below with both options, which allows my codes to run without any exceptions being raised
let fpower u v =
match u, v with
| Real x, Real y when x < 0.0 && (y%1.0 <> 0.0) -> Complex (Complex.pow (complex y 0.0) (complex x 0.0))
| Real x, Real y when x = 0.0 && y < 0 -> Undef
| Real x, Real y -> Real (Math.Pow(x, y))
| Complex x, Real y -> Complex (Complex.pow (complex y 0.0) x)
| Real x, Complex y -> Complex (Complex.pow y (complex x 0.0))
| Complex x, Complex y -> Complex (Complex.pow y x)
| Undef, _ | _, Undef -> Undef
| ComplexInf, Infinity | Infinity, ComplexInf -> ComplexInf
| Infinity, PosInf -> ComplexInf
| Infinity, NegInf -> Real (0.0)
| PosInf, _ | _, PosInf -> PosInf
| NegInf, _ | _, NegInf -> NegInf
| _ -> failwith "not supported"
I do not know enough about the library ( or maths...) to understand if this is a valid thing to do though. It certainly works for my use-case.
What is the preferred method of handling divide by zero (undefined or infinity)? What should be the sqrt(PosInf)? I would guess its still PosInf.
I am trying to use the library to parse and the execute some math channels in my C# project. It works very well, but I receive an "not supported" exception which is very slow.
Having looked into the equation and data I have isolated it to effectively a sqrt(1/0) call that is causing the exception. fpower in the Evaluate module is being used for the division. This is returning PosInf for the 1/0 call and then this is not matched for the sqrt call.
I have found two options for how to remove the exception:
1) modify the Evaluate to return Undef if a divide by zero is found. 2) modify the Evaluate to handle PosInf as a match case
For my immediate problem, I have modified the fpower as below with both options, which allows my codes to run without any exceptions being raised
I do not know enough about the library ( or maths...) to understand if this is a valid thing to do though. It certainly works for my use-case.
What is the preferred method of handling divide by zero (undefined or infinity)? What should be the sqrt(PosInf)? I would guess its still PosInf.