mathnet / mathnet-symbolics

Math.NET Symbolics
MIT License
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What is the main aim of the project? #25

Open rafidka opened 7 years ago

rafidka commented 7 years ago

Quoting the README file:

This project does not aim to become a full computer algebra system

It does make it clear what the project does not aim to be. However, it doesn't say much about what the aims to be. It does say it is a basic Computer Algebra library, but I am not sure what that exactly means. Is it going to support differentiation? Integration?

Having said that, I am wondering why is the aim not to become a full Computer Algebra system? Surely this cannot happen overnight, but why not aim to do this over the long term?

cdrnet commented 7 years ago

I've added that line merely to keep expectations in control - not to limit it artificially in any way.

rafidka commented 7 years ago

Thanks @cdrnet . So do you have a plan/set of features if someone is interested in contributing? Right now it seems that the issues are limited to small tasks/bug fixes and there are no milestones, so not sure what contributors can do. Maybe it is worth adding few milestones with a brief description of each so issues can be filed for each milestones and interested contributors can give the project more momentum?